مرجع کلمات و اصطلاحات اختصاری

جستجوی پیشرفته

در جستجوی پیشرفته با وارد کردن عبارت مخفف، تمامی حالت های مخفف شده از آن عبارت را خواهید یافت. این بخش فقط مربوط به عبارات لاتین می باشد.

عبارات پیدا شده از مخفف SWF

Shockwave Flash (Flash animation technology)

Sovereign Wealth Fund

Southwest Florida (various organizations)

Spring Web Flow (software)

Sydney Writers' Festival (Australia)

Südwestfunk (former Southern German Radio Station; merged with SDR to SWR)

System.windows.forms (.NET namespace)

Salt Water Flush (alternative medicine)

Standard Written Form (languages)

Secure World Foundation (space security)

Single White Female

Storm Water Flow (hydrology)

Scientific Workflows (workshop)

Shock Wave File

Spiny Water Flea (species)

Small Web File (Macromedia Flash movie extension)

Star Wars Forum (gaming)

Shallow Water Flow

Short-wave Fade (out)

Secret Weapons Facility (Castle Wolfenstien)

Newburgh/Poughkeepsie, NY, USA - Stewart (Airport Code)

Start Work Finish

Swiss Wrestling Federation

Strategic Weapons Facility

Steelworker Fabricator (US Navy)

Slow-Wave Factor

Splash Water Falls (amusement park ride)

Spotted Weakfish (FAO fish species code)

Singapore Weightlifting Federation

Salaries, Wages and Fringe

Straight White Female

Staff Working File

Salary with Fringe (government accounting)

Surface Wave Field

System Weight Factor (Delphi Criteria under the DESP II Contract vehicle)

Statistical Waterfilling Algorithm

Semantic Weighting Factor (algorithm)