مرجع کلمات و اصطلاحات اختصاری

جستجوی پیشرفته

در جستجوی پیشرفته با وارد کردن عبارت مخفف، تمامی حالت های مخفف شده از آن عبارت را خواهید یافت. این بخش فقط مربوط به عبارات لاتین می باشد.

عبارات پیدا شده از مخفف SMG

Sub-Machine Gun

Sub Machine Gun (gaming, Halo 2)

Super Mario Galaxy (game)

Sarah Michelle Gellar

Studio Movie Grill (various locations)

Sequential Manual Gearbox (BMW)

St. Maria Goretti (various locations)

Seoul Metropolitan Government (South Korea)

Social Media Group (Canada)

School of Management (School of Management at Boston University)

Stock Market Game

Swiss Medical Group (various locations)

Strategic Management and Globalization (various locations)

Specialty Medical Group

Shanghai Municipal Government (Shanghai, China)

Sentara Medical Group (Virginia)

Senior Management Group (JWID)

Selective Mutism Group (anxiety disorder)

Syndicat de La Médecine Générale (French: Union of General Medicine; est. 1975)

School of Management and Governance (Netherlands)

Scandinavian Music Group (Finnish band)

Stato Maggiore Generale (Italian: General Staff)

Special Mobile Group (ITU 3G telecom standards development body)

Spaceflight Meteorology Group

Strategic Marketing Group (Lake Tahoe, CA)

Sister Machine Gun (band)

Speed Made Good

Schonbraun McCann Group (New York)

Staff Major General (various armed forces)

Solutions Marketing Group

Superior Manufacturing Group (various locations)

Strategic Management Group, Inc.

Sales and Marketing Group (Intel)

Sonic Mega Collection (video game)

Subatomic Machine Gun (Robocraft weaponry)

Suchtgiftverordnung (Austrian narcotics law)

Silenced Machine Gun (gaming)

Saban Music Group (est. 1983)

Shoreline Management Guidelines

Sisselman Medical Group, PC

Screen Management Guide

Statistical Multiplexing Gain

Survivable Media Gateway (Siemens)

Services Management Group

Sunday Morning Gathering


Standard Mail Guard

Secure Mail Gateway

Service Management Gateway

Semi-Manual Gearbox

Super MechaGodzilla (fan fiction)

Somali Manifesto Group (political party)

Secure Mail Guard

Société Métallurgique de Gerzat (French: Metallurgical Society of Gerzat; France)

Symposium Mines Guinée (French: Guinea Mining Symposium)

Sliding Mode Guidance

Simulation Model Generator

Shelter Management Guide

Software Message Generator

Sportplatz Maschinenbau GmbH (German: Sports Ground Engineering Ltd.)

Speciality Management Group (various companies)

Societe Méridionale de Granulats (French: Company of Southern Aggregates)