مرجع کلمات و اصطلاحات اختصاری

جستجوی پیشرفته

در جستجوی پیشرفته با وارد کردن عبارت مخفف، تمامی حالت های مخفف شده از آن عبارت را خواهید یافت. این بخش فقط مربوط به عبارات لاتین می باشد.

عبارات پیدا شده از مخفف RV

River Valley (Singapore)

Review (medical)

Runtime Verification

Research Vessel

Royal Vegas

Right Ventricular

Relief Valve

Revert (Wikimedia Foundation)

Rendezvous (logging abbreviation)

Rendezvous (military)

Received Votes (sports ranking)

Right Ventricle

Rigveda (Indian sacred collection)

Rental Vehicle

Random Variable

Retroverted (uterus)

Residual Volume (lung)

Response Vehicle

Rotavirus Vaccine

Recirculation Valve

Revised Version (of the Bible; published in 1881-1885)

Rappaport-Vassiliadis (salmonella enrichment broth)


Remote View

Rød Valgallianse

Réalité Virtuelle (French: Virtual Reality)


Rated Voltage

Rateable Value (business premises terminology)

Rabies Virus

Release Valve


Reference Voltage

Reactor Vessel

Reconnaissance Vehicle

Relatieve Vochtigheid (Dutch: Relative Humidity)

Rescue Vessel

Ralston Valley (Colorado)

Radar View

Resident Visitor

Ryom Verzeichnis (Works of Vivaldi list by Peter Ryom)

Rifle Volunteers (British Army)

Rhino Virus

Receipt Voucher

Receive Variable

Radar Vector

Runway Visibility

Retrieval Vessel (US NASA)

Ruins Vacation

Regulatory Verification (various locations)

RuneVillage (RuneScape gaming discussion forum)

Ross Volunteers (Texas A&M University Corps of Cadets)

Routine Verification

Ring Voice

Recombination Velocity

Radius of Vulnerability

Reentry/Remote Vehicle

US Revenue Motor Vehicle Use (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately)