مرجع کلمات و اصطلاحات اختصاری

جستجوی پیشرفته

در جستجوی پیشرفته با وارد کردن عبارت مخفف، تمامی حالت های مخفف شده از آن عبارت را خواهید یافت. این بخش فقط مربوط به عبارات لاتین می باشد.

عبارات پیدا شده از مخفف RTT

Round-Trip Time

Roof Top Tent

Request to Talk (radio)

Réduction du Temps de Travail (French: reduction of working time)

Referral To Treatment (medicine)

Real Time Traffic (report)

Radiation Therapy Technologist

Rett Syndrome

Render-To-Texture (computer graphics)

Rock This Town (band)

Realty Transfer Tax (Pennsylvania)

Real-Time Tactics (gaming)

Response to Terrorism

Ready to Test

Remember the Titans (TV show)

Resonant Tunneling Transistor

Real-Time Tomography

Rapid Technology Transition (Office of Naval Research funding option out of POM cycle)

Resistance Point to Point

Round The Twist (Australian children's TV show)

Régie des Télégraphes et des Téléphones (French)

Ratio Threshold Test

Requirements Transition Team (US Marine Corps)

Radio Teletypewriter

Round Trip Travel Time

Remember That Time

Right to Turban

Regional Training Team

Response Technology Team

Resources, Trade and Technology (US CIA)

Response Time Test

Recapture Tactics Team

Radiation Transport Theory

River Trails Transit Lines, Inc. (Galena, Illinois)

Real-Time Targeting

Radio Transmission Techniques

Registered Radiation Therapy Technologist (American Society of Radiologic Technologists)

Requirement Traceability Table

Rocket Thrown Torpedo

Reconfigurable Tactical Trainer

Requirements Tracking Tool

Research Tools for Translators

Right-Tailed Test