مرجع کلمات و اصطلاحات اختصاری

جستجوی پیشرفته

در جستجوی پیشرفته با وارد کردن عبارت مخفف، تمامی حالت های مخفف شده از آن عبارت را خواهید یافت. این بخش فقط مربوط به عبارات لاتین می باشد.

عبارات پیدا شده از مخفف OL

Ordered List (HTML)


Office Lady (English term used in everyday Japanese for working unmarried young lady)


Official Language

Olympique Lyonnais (French football team)


Offensive Lineman (football)

Oldham (postcode, United Kingdom)

Off Limits

Olympiske Leker (Norwegian: Olympic Games)

Outside Linebacker (football)

Online Learning (also seen as OLL)

Objective Lens

Outland (gaming, World of Warcraft)

Operation Lifesaver

Open Learning

Offer Letter (human resources)

Open Loop

Ozone Layer

Off List (subject line of offlist posts to mailing lists)

Old Latin

Overtime Loss (hockey; soccer)

Orientation Leader (education)

Outer Loop (Beltway)

Local Official (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately)

Organizational Level

Operating License

Optimum Level

Operating Level

Over Limit (electronics)

Operating Location

Overhead Line

Operating Limit

Oberleitung (German catenary)

Office Leader

Order of the Laurel (Society for Creative Anachronism)

Operational Logistics

Ordinary Leave

Offensive Linebacker (football)

Oulu railway station, Finland (standard station code)

Orienting Line

Orange Logic LLC

Oc'ulus Lae'vus (Left Eye)

Organic Silts of Low Plasticity (soil type)

Österreichicher Lloyd

O'Fallon Library (O'Fallon, IL)

Outline and Load (drawings)