Maintenance Service Request (various organizations)
Mode Status Register
Mission Support Request (US DoD)
Medical Student Research (various schools)
Minera San Rafael (Guatemalan mining company)
March, Strathspey & Reel (bagpipe music competition)
Master/Slave Relationship (band)
Minimum Size Requirement
Machine State Register
Modélisation des Systèmes Réactifs
Malicious Software Removal (Microsoft)
Membrane-Spanning Region
Most Serene Republic (band)
Mass Spectrometry Resource (various locations)
Market Street Railway (transit agency in San Francisco from the 1920s to 1940's; now a nonprofit organization dedicated to the preservation of historic transit)
Microwave Scanning Radiometer
Moisture Separator Reheater
Missile Site Radar
Medical Sales Representative
Machine Stress Rating
Modern Sporting Rifle (weapon)
Market Share Reporter (business statistics)
Mulder/Scully Relationship (X-Files)
Major Supply Route
Malaysian Society of Rheumatology
Milestone Review
Manufacturer Supplier Relationship
Master Ship Repair
Mount Sunapee Resort (Newbury, NH)
Multi-Sensory Room (communication)
Motor Sport Ranch
Mobile Support Router
Mobile Sea Range
Management Systems Review
Mortgage Service Rights (mortgage banking industry)