
مرجع کلمات و اصطلاحات اختصاری

جستجوی پیشرفته

در جستجوی پیشرفته با وارد کردن عبارت مخفف، تمامی حالت های مخفف شده از آن عبارت را خواهید یافت. این بخش فقط مربوط به عبارات لاتین می باشد.

عبارات پیدا شده از مخفف MSR

Magnetic Stripe Reader

Mountain Safety Research (outdoor goods manufacturer)

Microsoft Research

Montserrat (ISO Country code)

Multi-Standard Radio

Movimiento Social Republicano (Spanish: Republican Social Movement)

Messen Steuern Regeln (German: Measure, Tax, Rules)

Mars Sample Return (US NASA and European Space Agency)

My Starbucks Rewards (customer program)

Main Supply Route

Egyptair (ICAO code)

Member Service Representative

Metropolis Street Racer (video game)

Molten Salt Reactor

Model-Specific Register

Mosel-Saar-Ruwer (German wine region)

Medium Screen Rendering (Opera browser)

Mining Software Repositories (IEEE conference)

Moravian-Silesian Region (Czech Republic)

Mean Square Residual

Motor Starter

Monthly Status Report

Molecular Sequence Reduction (Peribit Networks, Inc.)

Maintenance Service Request (various organizations)

Mode Status Register

Mission Support Request (US DoD)

Medical Student Research (various schools)

Minera San Rafael (Guatemalan mining company)

March, Strathspey & Reel (bagpipe music competition)

Master/Slave Relationship (band)

Minimum Size Requirement

Machine State Register

Modélisation des Systèmes Réactifs

Malicious Software Removal (Microsoft)

Membrane-Spanning Region

Most Serene Republic (band)

Mass Spectrometry Resource (various locations)

Market Street Railway (transit agency in San Francisco from the 1920s to 1940's; now a nonprofit organization dedicated to the preservation of historic transit)

Microwave Scanning Radiometer

Moisture Separator Reheater

Missile Site Radar

Medical Sales Representative

Machine Stress Rating

Modern Sporting Rifle (weapon)

Market Share Reporter (business statistics)

Mulder/Scully Relationship (X-Files)

Major Supply Route

Malaysian Society of Rheumatology

Milestone Review

Manufacturer Supplier Relationship

Master Ship Repair

Mount Sunapee Resort (Newbury, NH)

Multi-Sensory Room (communication)

Motor Sport Ranch

Mobile Support Router

Mobile Sea Range

Management Systems Review

Mortgage Service Rights (mortgage banking industry)

Monthly Status Review

Minimum Sustaining Rate

Missile Simulation Round (Army)

Mission Support Room (NASA)

Mississippi Southern Railroad

Multiservice Switch Router (Cisco)

Minesweeper, Patrol

Material Status Report

Material Site Request

Malcom Smith Racing

Multiple Service Ring

Minimum Subdivision Regulations (land use)

Mutually Satisfactory Retirement (benefits program)

Modified Signed Rank

Muscle Stretch Reflex

Machine Stress-Related (lumber)

Management Status Report (Flight Projects Directorate)

Torque Moment Regulation (Skoda, UK)

Message Storage and Retrieval

Merge-Split Reconfiguration

Material Ship/Shipping Reporting

Motor Spin Regulator (Maserati)

McDonnell Simulator Rocket

Machine Service Report

Member of the Society of Radiographers (UK)

Media Selection Report

Milwaukee Special Reserve (beer)

Military Standardization Requirement

Medical Software Reviews (newsletter)

Main Steam Reheater

Mammalian Selectivity Ratio

Market Service Requirement

Main Shift Register

Mid Stage Right (theater)

Meteorological Survey Radar

Military Staffing Requirements

Multiplicity Shift Register

Multispeed Repeater

Multimedia Satellite Receiver

MSCS Status Review

Minimum Security Requirement

Major Structural Repair (aircraft damage repair)

Mandatory Special Requirement

Military Service Requirement

Mindstate Records (Detroit, MI recording studio)

Maritime Security Regime

Main Switch Room

Mooney Stress Relaxation (elasticity measurement)

Mean Sub-Sequence-Reduced (voting algorithm)

Mechanical Strain Recorder (aircraft safety)

Multiple Service Rule (Medicare Australia)