مرجع کلمات و اصطلاحات اختصاری

جستجوی پیشرفته

در جستجوی پیشرفته با وارد کردن عبارت مخفف، تمامی حالت های مخفف شده از آن عبارت را خواهید یافت. این بخش فقط مربوط به عبارات لاتین می باشد.

عبارات پیدا شده از مخفف LT






Laut (German: according to)


Lake Tahoe (California/Nevada)



Less Than (computer math)


Lithuania (ISO Country Identifier)

Less Than or equal to (computer math)


Local Time

Low Temperature

Life Threatening

Light Truck


Leutnant (German: second lieutenant)

Luxury Touring (automotive model/feature)

Lead Time

Left Turn (Hyper Logo Turtle graphics command)

Look Through (Intelligent Jammers)

Landing Team


Leadership Team

Linear Technology

Looney Tunes

Light Trucks

Lote (Portuguese: lot; postal usage)

Landtag (Legislative Body, Austria, Europe)

Left Tackle (football)

Light Tank

Long Trail

London Transport

Letter of Transmittal

Line Type (AutoCAD)


Length of Track

Long Ton

Live Training

Laplace Transform (mathematics)

Linear Transformation (linear algebra)

Link Text (message boards)

Lawrence Taylor (football player)

L-Tryptophan (amino acid)

Learning Technologies (various organizations)

Las Trampas (California)

Low Testosterone

Lake Terminal Railroad Company

Lecture Theatre

Linus Torvalds (developer/author of the Linux Kernel)

Level Transmitter

Leak Testing

Lucent Technologies

Low Tension

Long Tour

Long Text

Latest Thinking

Line Terminal

Last Trade (or trading day)

Lady of the Thistle

Limited Term

Lead Technician

Latent Trait

Lower Tray

Lindsay Taylor (basketball)

Lakeland Terrier

Live Trend

Logical Topology

Ladanian Tomlinson (football player)

Laundry Tray

Liquid Thinking (web integration, design and consulting company)

Logic Theory

Limited Too (store)

Lashkar-e-Tayyiba (Kashmiri-focused militant group)

Long Transverse (raw metal piece width)

Lung Transplantation

Large Tug (US Army)

Liner Terms (shipping)

Leadership Trainer

Lost Temple (gaming)

Latina, Lazio (Italian province)

Lodge Treasurer (Order of the Arrow, Boy Scouts of America)

LaGrande Technology (Intel)

Lorentz Transformation

Lorien Trust

Lifetap (MMORPG games)

Last Telecast

LiteFuze Transformer

Los Alamos Technical Associates

Lufttransport AS (Norway)

Lactate Threshhold

Long-Range Transmitter

Lockout/Tagout Training

Laser Trooper (Star Kingdoms game)

Loudest Talker (voice conferencing algorithm)

Linetroll (Fault Passage Indicator; Nortroll AS, Norway)

Turn Left After Takeoff

LON-Talk Protocol

Lubrication Threads (SAE)

Lamar Transform