مرجع کلمات و اصطلاحات اختصاری

جستجوی پیشرفته

در جستجوی پیشرفته با وارد کردن عبارت مخفف، تمامی حالت های مخفف شده از آن عبارت را خواهید یافت. این بخش فقط مربوط به عبارات لاتین می باشد.

عبارات پیدا شده از مخفف IPM

Integrated Pest Management

Images Per Minute

Intelligent Power Module (power semiconductors)

Institute for Studies in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics (Iran)

International Partnership for Microbicides

Instituto Paulo Montenegro (Argentinian institute; est. 2000)

Instituto Português de Museus

Inches Per Minute

Institut Pasteur de Madagascar (French: Pasteur Institute of Madagascar)

Intelligent Power Management

Infrastructure Performance Management

Integrated Project Management (Capability Maturity Model Integration)

Instituto Presbiteriano Mackenzie (Portuguese: Mackenzie Presbyterian Institute; Brazil)

Income Property Management (Oregon)

Interpersonal Messaging

Interior Permanent Magnet (motor)

Interpersonal Message (ITU-T)

Interior Point Methods

International Project Management

Integrated Performance Monitoring (computing)

Institute of Preventive Medicine (Copenhagen, Denmark)

Inquérito Policial Militar (Portuguese: Military Police Investigation; Brazil)

Innovation Process Management

Impressions Per Minute

Irish Potato Marketing (est. 1950; Dublin, Ireland)

Interplanetary Medium

InfoPrint Manager (IBM AIX)

Integrated Photonics Module

Impulses Per Minute

Institute of People Management

Interruptions Per Minute

Immediate Past Master (Masonic)

Internet Policy Management (software)

Internet Presence Management

Integrated Process Management

Institute of Psychosexual Medicine (London, UK)

Impuesto de Promoción Municipal (Spanish: Municipal Sales Tax; Peru)

Institute of Project Management

Iteration Planning Meeting

Independent Particle Model

Integrated Product Management

Intellectual Property Manager

Inverse Perspective Mapping

International Power Machines

Inhalable Particulate Matter

Inspection Procedures Manual (Federal Aviation Administration)

Inventory Performance Management (software)

Ionization Profile Monitor

Institute of Palliative Medicine (various locations)

Italian Panoramic Monochromator

Institute of Productivity and Management

Interference Prediction Model

Internal Polarization Modulation

Inventory Projection Model

Intel Power Monitor

Industrial Preparedness Measure(s)

Inventory of Preventive Measures

Internetworking Performance Monitor (Cisco)

Intelligent Process Manager

Integrated Policy Memorandum

Intel PowerMac (Apple)

Integrated Propulsion Module

Inspirible Particle Mass

Incident Process Management

Industrial Preparedness Model

Input Process Module

Interpersonal Mail System

Interprocessor Multiplexer

Input Processor Module

Inpatient Pharmacy Manager (Kaiser Permanente)

In-Panel Module (automotive construction)