مرجع کلمات و اصطلاحات اختصاری

جستجوی پیشرفته

در جستجوی پیشرفته با وارد کردن عبارت مخفف، تمامی حالت های مخفف شده از آن عبارت را خواهید یافت. این بخش فقط مربوط به عبارات لاتین می باشد.

عبارات پیدا شده از مخفف IP

Internet Provider

International Paper

Internet Protocol

In Particular

Information Protection

Information Processing

Industrial Property

International Protection (CENELEC)

Infrastructure Protection

Intellectual Property

Image Processing


In Progress

In Person

Interested Party

Installation Procedure

Improved Performance (M1IP upgraded M1 main battle tank)

Information Policy

In Position

Innings Pitched (baseball)

Industrial Park

Industrial Policy

Implementation Plan

Industrial Production

In Perspective (Stuyvesant High School student magazine, New York City)

iPod (Apple)

Income Protection (disability insurance)

Industrial Protocol

Institute of Physics

Information Paper

Instrument Panel

Ipswich (postcode, United Kingdom)

Integer Programming

Ingress Protection (IEC Standards)

Information Provider


Industry Practice

Innocence Project

Internal Protocol

Investment Program

Important Person

Instruction Pointer

Information Professional

International Partner

Iron Pipe

Inpatient (healthcare and healthcare billing)

Initial Position (US DoD)

Induced Polarization

Infection Prevention

Independence Party

Initial Production

Interface Program


Investment Portfolio

Implementation Procedure

Intraperitoneal (area within peritoneal cavity containing abdominal organs)

Investment Promotion

International President

Individual Provider

Iraqi Police

Identity-Preserved (grains)

Indiana Pacers

International Priority (commerical carriage modality; FedEx)

Issue Paper

Institute of Petroleum

Industry Promotion

Instructor Pilot

Initial Point

Iberian Peninsula

Integrated Process

Integration Plan

Iron Pin (surveying)

Interrupt Process (TELNET Protocol)

Interactive Publishing

Integrated Program(s)

Improvement Plans (land development)

Identified Patient (behavior)

Injured Person


Inspection Procedures

Installation Plan

Information Publication

Intersection Point

Integrated Programme (Singapore education program)

Intelligent Peripheral

Intermediate Point

Intercessory Prayer

Insolvency Petition

Instrument Package

Intermediate Pressure

Interstitial Pneumonia

Ionization Potential

Incontinentia Pigmenti

Individual Protection

Infected Premises (US FEMA)

Incentive Pay

Ischemic Preconditioning

Implementing Partner

Index Pointer

Integrated Packaging

Industry Pack

Institutional Plan

Intensive Production

Inspection Plan

Injector Pump (diesel fuel systems)

Internetworking Protocol (DEC)

Indicator Panel

Intestinal Permeability

Idler Pulley

Individual Psychology (Alfred Adler)

Intelligence Processing

Incineration Plant (waste management facility)

Individual Permit

Intoxicated Person (law enforcement)

Ice Pellets

Iron Project

Internal Pilot (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles)

Information and Planning (US FEMA)

Instytut Polnocny (Polish: North Institute)

Insured Property

Illinois Power Company

Issue Point (various uses)

Isotope Production

Imagery Processing

Infection Preventionist

Indian Pharmacopoeia

Intelligence Problem

Implementation of Plan

Inward Processing


Interpositive (photography)

Interim Procedure

Internal Publication

Intermodulation Product

Instruction Pamphlet

International Pharmacopoeia

Informational Program

International Provisioning (Sprint)

Isolated Personnel (Joint)

Instrument Procedure (aviation)

Itinerário Principal

Intelligent Pig (pipeline industry)

Interactive Processor

Interrupt Priority Register (Intel 8051 Microcontroller register)

Initial Pressing

Indian Posse (prison gang)

Indexed Price

Isolated Platform

Indigenous Personnel

Intelligence Plot

Inter Positive (cinema materials products)

Intermediate Processor

Irresistible Poison (fanfiction)

Information Plaque

Instruction Plate

Identification of Position

Infantry Portal (Natural Selection computer game)

Inhalable Particle

Immersible Pump

Irish Pennant (Navy slang for loose strings on a uniform)

Iniciació a la Programació (Polythecnic University of Catalonia course)

Intelligence Peripheral

Immediate Past Office (except National Commodore)

ISDN Access Port (ITU-T)

Imagery Analysis Paper (NIMA)

Instituti I Pyjeve (Albanian: Forest and Pasturage Institute)

Inspector of Penitentiary