مرجع کلمات و اصطلاحات اختصاری

جستجوی پیشرفته

در جستجوی پیشرفته با وارد کردن عبارت مخفف، تمامی حالت های مخفف شده از آن عبارت را خواهید یافت. این بخش فقط مربوط به عبارات لاتین می باشد.

عبارات پیدا شده از مخفف GS

Games Started (sports statistic)

General Schedule

Gran Sport (Buick)

Golden State

Global Sources

Girl Scout

Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.

Green Seal (environmental standard)

Grade School

Gold, Silver

Grand Seiko (Seiko Watch Corp.)

Graduate Student

General Store (various locations)


General Service

General Surgery

Geological Survey

Gold Standard

Giant Slalom

General Support


Gainesville Sun (Gainesville, FL newspaper)

Gas Station

Grand Slam (baseball)

German Shepherd

Ground Station

Generator Set

Game Show

Good Shepherd

Gangnam Style (South Korean rap music)

Gedeputeerde Staten

Gamespot (video game website)

South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (ISO country code, top level domain)

Garden State

Glutamine Synthetase (enzyme)

General Study (education)

Ground Support

Gamestop (video game store)


General Secretary (in colleges of India)


Good Samaritan

General Science

Glide Slope

Global Studies (education)

Golden Sun (gaming)

Gene Simmons (musician)

Godsmack (band)

Gaza Strip

Good Shot (games)

General Specification

Geprüfte Sicherheit (German: Proved Safety law)

General Staff

Glucosamine Sulfate

Government Security

George Strait (country music artist)

Grade Scale (US federal government wage level)


Gas Supplier

Galvanized Steel

Game Site

Gleichstrom (German: Direct Current)

George School (Pennsylvania)

Gundam Seed (anime)

Get Smart (1960s TV show)

Guidance System

General Synod

Ground Speed

Gaelic Storm (Celtic band)

Global Solution

Governor's School

Government Systems


Graphics and Sound (Apple Computers)

Group Separator

Group Separator (ASCII character 29)

Global Supplier

Geopathic Stress (alleged illness caused by electromagnetivity)

Giant Spider (gaming, Tibia Massive Multiplayer Online RPG)

Grass Seed

Geronimo Stilton (book series)

Gigasample (audio)

Grand Sedan (Lexus)

Group Status (insurance)

Government Surplus

General Solution

Ground System

General Statute

Ground Segment

Guide to the Scriptures

Geochemical Society

Game Spy (game)

Golden Slumbers (Beatles song)

General Systems

Gauss-Seidel (algorithm)

Genso Suikoden (Konami game)

Ground Start (telecommunications)

Gear Score (World of Warcraft)


General Stock

Graded Series

Graceful Shutdown

Gang Show (scout/guide)

Grace Slick (singer)

Gilbert's Syndrome (liver disorder)

Geek Speak

German Silver (rabbit breed)

Snow Pellets (METAR precipitation)

Grip Safety (firearms)

Geomagnetic Field

Government Stock(s)


Guidance Section

Guilty Spark

Gestational Sac (intrauterine structure)

Grub Screw

Güzel Sanatlar

Goldshire (gaming)

Geometer's Sketchpad (education)

Griscelli Syndrome

Gandke & Schubert (German software company)

General Surveillance

Groton School (Massachusetts)

Guy Smiley (Sesame Street character)

Greenland to St. Johns (routing destination; US Navy)

Gelände-Strasse (German: Off-Road / On-Road; motorcycles)

Grand Soul (gaming)

General Station

Guest Scientist (program)

Group Station (Oil and Gas)

Gelijkstroom (Dutch: Direct Current)

Glide Scope

Gravity Switch

Graphics Synthesiser (Sony PlayStation2)

Galilee Society (Israel)

Generic Switch

Grissom Sara (CSI: Crime Scene Investigation TV show)

Global Shield

Galatasaray Sports Club (Turkey soccer club)

General Satellite Corporation

Geekshelter (website)

Guided Scrambling

Generator Shelter

Guidance Subsystem

General Support Series

Growth Sire

(USN Rating) Gas Turbine System Technician

Guteral Steel

South Georgia & The South Sandwich Island (ISO country code)

Gulf States Mennonite Conference (Philadelphia, MS)