مرجع کلمات و اصطلاحات اختصاری

جستجوی پیشرفته

در جستجوی پیشرفته با وارد کردن عبارت مخفف، تمامی حالت های مخفف شده از آن عبارت را خواهید یافت. این بخش فقط مربوط به عبارات لاتین می باشد.

عبارات پیدا شده از مخفف CE

Customer Edge (IETF RFC 2547)

Custom Edition

Chip Enable

Continuing Education

Compact Edition

China Export

Common Era (substitute for AD)

Consumer Electronics

Current Events

Civil Engineering

Conseil d'Etat (Luxembourg)

Church of England

Computer Engineering

Christian Education

Content Engine (Cisco)

Customer Experience

Sri Lanka

Career Education

Chief Executive

Combat Evolved (game)

Civil Engineer

Collectors Edition

Control Engineering

Communauté Européenne (French: European Community)

Cooperative Extension

Clint Eastwood (actor)

Center of Excellence

Corps of Engineers

Control Element

Cheat Engine (open source software)

Classic Edition (Toyota car model)

Comité d'Entreprise (French)

Comunita Europea (Italian: European Community)

Comunità Europea (Italian: European Community)

Community Edition (software)

Chief Engineer

Comunidade Europeia (Portuguese: European Community)

Compliance Engineering

Ceara (Brazil)

Ceará (Brazilian state)

Cost Estimate

Comisión Europea (Spanish)

Color Edition (Texas Instruments)

Capital Equipment

Capillary Electrophoresis


Communications Equipment

Contrast Enhancement

Comunidad Europea (Spanish: European Community)

Christian Era (calendar)

Collective Evolution

College English

Communications Electronics

Chemical Engineer

Crystal Enterprise

Capital Expenditure

Classe Élémentaire (French: Elementary Class)

Categorical Exclusion

Computing Environment (Digest)

Century Edition

Cost Element (accounting)

Computer Engineer

Common Emitter

Cheap Edition (cars)

Circuit Emulation

Capcom Entertainment (Japan)

Clinical Engineering

Critical Element

Critical Examination

Conservation of Energy

Canadian English

Copy Editor

Certified Engineer

Concurrent Engineering

Comprehensive Evaluation

Christopher Eccleston (British actor)

Cincinnati Enquirer

Casio Electronics (Japan)

Critical Error

Common Entrance (England schools)

Capsule Endoscopy

Chemical Energy

Chinese Economy

Current Era

Conformité Européenne (European health & safety product label)

Command Element (MAGTF; US DoD)

Case Equivalent (beer industry measurement)

Canadian Embassy

Camera Electronics

Commemorative Edition

Certificate Enrollment

Combustion Engineering

Cross-Entropy Method (evolutionary computing technique)

Cash Earnings

Continuous Evaluation

Compliance and Enforcement

Commercial Entity

Content Express

Correct Error

Cholesterol Ester

Combustion Efficiency

Current English

Current Estimate

Client Executive (salesperson)

Calving Ease

Cataract Extraction

Chartered Engineer

Connection Endpoint

Chaotic Evil

Cell Envelope

Caserta, Campania (Italian province)

Clear Error

Calendar Era

Cosmic Era (Gundam gaming)

Carbon Equivalent

Civil Emergency

Conjugated Estrogen

Customer Engineer

Common Environment

Combat Engineers (US DoD)

Conducted Emission

Calibration Error

Combinatorial Extension

Combat Element

Christian Endeavor

Construction Engineers (Canadian Forces Base)

Consultative Examination

Conseiller en Emploi (French)

Cache Enable

Concept Engineering

Cosmic Encounter (game)

City Executive

Circular Error

Clear Entry (calculator button)

Computing Element

Concept Exploration (phase)

Concept Evaluation

Capabilities Exchange

Core Experiment

Component Engineer

Casualty Estimation (US DoD)

Central Engineering (Smithsonian Observatory)

Change Evaluation

Crystal Era (gaming)

Cognitive Ergonomics

Continuously Enrolled

Conceptual Engineering (design phase)

Connection Element

Cystic Echinococcosis

Computers and Education (journal)

Creative Editing


Compromising Emanations

Chief Electrician

Channel End

Collaborative Enterprises

Compass Error

Conditional Exemption (hazardous waste management; California)

Copy Exactly (Intel)

Channel Element

Combined Endeavor (interoperability exercise)

Custom Entry

Communications Enhancement (various organizations)

Center of Effort

Constant Effect

Capture Effect

Convergent Extension

Campaign Evaluation

Contagious Ecthyma (orf in Goats; aka sore mouth)

Channel Equipment

Civil Environment

Civilian Enterprise

Communications Element

Current Electrode

Collision Elimination

Concept Element

Convert Enable

Consumption Entry (process of declaring the importation of foreign made goods for use in the US)

Current Exploitation

Cosmic Encounters (game)

Configuration Engineering

Communications Engineering, Inc.

Change Estimate (construction industry)

Counseling Enriched (special education)

Computational Element

Certification Extension

Commutator End

Comhphobal Eorpach (Gaelic: European Community)

Christian Error

Catalysis Engineering (Delft University of Technology)

Computational Epidemiology (DIMACS, SIAM, University of North Texas Computer Science Dept)

Command Entity

Crisis Establishment

Comunique Europeenne (French)

Circuit Edge

Contact Explosive

Conditionally Exempt Generator (environment)

Office of Conservation and Renewable Energy (US Department of Energy)
