
مرجع کلمات و اصطلاحات اختصاری

جستجوی پیشرفته

در جستجوی پیشرفته با وارد کردن عبارت مخفف، تمامی حالت های مخفف شده از آن عبارت را خواهید یافت. این بخش فقط مربوط به عبارات لاتین می باشد.

عبارات پیدا شده از مخفف BTW


By The Way

By the Way (Red Hot Chili Peppers album)

Below the Water

Between The Words

Before the War

Books That Work

Beyond the Wall

Behind the Wheel

Back To Work (shorthand used in email)

Build the Wall

Born This Way

Bridge the World

Born to Win

Be That Way (less common)

Balls to the Wall

Bring the Wine

Below the Waist

Booker T. Washington (various locations)

Best to Worst (ranking)

Back to Wall (toilet style)

Bridging the Watershed (educational outreach program)

Big Time Wrestling (various locations)

Belasting op Toegevoegde Waarde (Dutch: Tax On Added Value)

Better Than Wolves (gaming)

Bearing to Waypoint

Breast Test Wales (Welsh breast cancer screening program)

Black Theatre Workshop (Canada)

Board Test Workshop

Beyond These Walls

Between the Wars

Bak-Tang-Wiesenfeld Sandpile (physics)

Bring the Wheelchair (text slang)

Bundesverband der Deutschen Tourismuswirtschaft

Boat Wave

Belasting Toegevoegde Waarde (Dutch: value added tax)

Business Travel World (trade magazine; UK)

Brothers of the Third Wheel (trikers organization)

British Telecom Wholesale (UK)

BioTech World

British Traditional Wicca

Butuanon (SIL code, Philippines)

Business and Technical Writing

British Traditional Witchcraft

Bike This Way

Breaching the Web

Blood Thirsty Warriors (gaming clan)


Buried Transuranic Waste

Barbarian: Total War (game mod)

Beyond Tears Worldwide (Christian humanitarian and development organization)

Burlington Trailways Charters and Tours

Border Terrier Welfare (UK registered charity)

Bite the Waffle