What is PMD ?
Possible Military Dimension
Tokyo race member of the negotiating team, the core of our page, Instagram, about, reality, talk, ppm Di (possible military dimensions), and its importance in the nuclear talks, wrote: Talk C th Di the claim of Western countries in the military core to the intent of the production and the development of a nuclear weapon is rooted to its historical years before the year 1382 (2003) the. Intelligence services of America and Western countries has always been, in recent years, Iran have accused that during the years prior to 2003, the military sector of Iran, under the guidance of some of the commanders, country-specific conflicts secret project-wide for the production of a nuclear weapon has been. For the countries, the false claim itself is also proof of work. of documented information to service your spy agency have provided that Iran, all of them bogus, who knows. Necessary to explain is not the same as the years, years that state the warmonger us to follow the direction of interfere in the countries in the region, was that the invasion of Iraq is also exactly the same excuse the attempts of Iraq to acquire weapons of mass destruction have been performed.