Today, Wednesday، 26 Mar 2025 - 15:18

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What is C ?


Celsius (Celsius) (abbreviation: C°) or Celsius (centigrade) sensing temperature. The name Celsius to commemorate the astronomer, Swedish Anders Celsius (1701 to 1744), who. like for temperature suggested such a nomenclature. Words, the degree Celsius can refer to a determined temperature, or it is the range of temperature, the difference between the two temperature or a lack of uncertainty noted. The name of the YK, 1948, Celsius (centigrade) was left. This name from the Latin word centum meaning "100" and gradus, meaning "step" or "step" is taken.

from 1744 until 1954, the point of zero degrees as the freezing water and 100 degrees as the boiling point of water at the pressure of one atmosphere is considered to be. Nowadays, this definition is more in the school application. On the basis of universal acceptance, the "degree Celsius" or Celsius with two temperature defined as: absolute zero and the point of triple VSMOW (standard mean Vienna for ocean water) related to any pure water. Also, this is the definition of temperature, Celsius directly to Kelvin link. Kelvin in thermodynamics, etc. original SMS iPhone, device international is and its symbol K is. Absolute zero the lowest temperature in which the mass of material to the lowest entropy reaches. This temperature equals 0 kelvin, or 273. the 15 - Celsius. Point temperature triple water exactly equal to 273 of 16 Kelvin, or 0٫01 Celsius.

due to the difference of the two criteria at the point of triple water, and absolute zero, it becomes clear that the difference of the two YK for 273 was 16 degrees, only 1 degree is almost 0. the 00366), so a large Kelvin and Celsius equal to be considered; and it is said that 273 was 15 - degrees Celsius is equal to zero Kelvin and zero degrees Celsius is equal to 273 of 15 Kelvin.