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Library Of Congress

The National Library of Congress, the National Library, USA, the research arm of the Congress of the United States, the oldest Institute of Cultural the U.S. Federal Government, and the largest library the world is in the capital of the United States of America, the city of Washington, D.C., is located.

head of the library of Congress "Librarian of Congress" is called, and now James this side is capable.

on 24 April 1800 was John Adams, then president of America a bill to the US Congress sent based on it, in addition to the transfer of the capital of the country, from Philadelphia to the new city of Washington, allocate the amount of $ 5,000 for the establishment of a library containing the books usable and useful for the members of Congress also agree. Thus, by compiling a collection of 3000 cutaneous on the part of the Capitol building, the new Congress - is the cornerstone of the first library of Congress was laid.

but, in fact, base this on what is now known as the greatest library of the known world. owe events that 15yrs later happened. In August 1814, the British Army, with fire to the Congress building, library small, it is also destroyed.

a year later, Thames, Jefferson, president emeritus, American, etc., in exchange for 23950 dollars, your personal library that contains 6487 books in various subjects of artistic, philosophical, mathematics, science, medicine, psychology, etc. presented in the Congress.

In 1864., the Abraham Lincoln personal to the head of the library of Congress was appointed, which was supposed to be the library during the next 30 years, change shape. Rand Collection, Library of Congress, it is much expanded, and to this institution the role of the National new on a shoestring budget. successful was the law right of the author to change up the library of Congress of any book, map, chart, plays, works, music, gravure, etc. printed materials or photos that to get the right author to the library of Congress can provide. 2 version free Get. also, during an agreement with the organization of the Smithsonian to form a regular start to The Collected Works, Scientific American, and the documents of Foreign through the exchange.

another law library to enable making copies of numerous talks in the parliament and all the laws of the United States to get free. of this, for the exchange of documents with all countries with which the United States diplomatic relations were used.

, etc., in the same way that the forecast was, the speed of all the rooms and with the flood of material incoming new accumulation. He in 1873 to a new building that was supposed to be the House Permanent Collection, a growing nation with the celeb of study for researchers and the public . effort else in the House scoring; to this arrangement, the transfer of the library belonging to Congress, to the library, it belongs to the nation of uncertainty, on a shoestring budget.

between the years 1864 to 1897 , California. The Librarian of Congress, this library into a Research Center, National replica. In the year 1886, and to seek a decision that 13 years before the Congress in order to change the architecture of the library building. John mortality, and bridge the Pels take on the responsibility of making building with the architecture of the Renaissance period Italy the responsibility.

finally, in early November 1897. is the largest, best equipped, secure the most and the longest library world in the building of the Thames, Jefferson, Washington, D.C., opened. 2 other buildings with the name, John Adams and James Madison also, in 1938 and 1981 the mansion, the previous were added.

the first head of the library of Congress in the new building in 1897., the journalism, no experience, library, etc. to name John Russell Yang. He quickly realized that the library of Congress must be set such that the accumulated and room, filled the monitor. Yang organizational units to bring programs poured into the library from the stage of collection and accumulation to the factory processing efficiency of replica that material organized and handy can build.

from the year 1870 in order to protect the rights of authors (copyright) of all authors, which calls for the use of this right. should be 2 versions of their works to the library, send. Thus, daily almost 22000 as a new book in the United States, this library will be imported, which is almost 10 thousand, as it is every day to the permanent collection of the library will be added.