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What is FLU ?


Influenza, or the grip epidemic is by some form of virus, Aran of the family (Orthomyxoviridae) can be created. This type of virus in birds and mammals, the disease creates. The disease causes an acute infection of the respiratory tract can be that with sudden headache, pain of muscles, fever, weakness and extreme lethargy will appear. Three type of influenza virus called A (a), B (b), W (c) is there. The brigade (including in humans and animals. Brigade in humans and mammals, and the brigade thirty only seen in humans. In the International Committee on nomenclature of viruses virus type Di is also in this family can be observed .ICTV in the normal course of the disease 3 to 4 days. Disease the flu is a respiratory infection of short duration, but the size of the extreme in healthy subjects and adult can be considered. In the elderly, children and people with underlying condition, heart, respiratory threatening is. The flu, first time in 1933 in 4 isolated.

the symptoms of the disease can be mild or severe. . Fever and chills, headaches, muscle aches, including low back pain, fatigue, cough (which may be with sputum is associated with), etc. strep throat, etc. create sores are inside the mouth-the nose-the surface of the skin, hoarseness, etc. (vomiting and nausea), which, because it of the syndrome Rey. Strep throat itching of the body, weariness of common symptoms, the disease are. These symptoms usually two days after exposure to the virus, the incidence will usually less than a week remain. However, cough may be more than two weeks to be viewed. Influenza in all ages, except during infancy, can be seen. Nausea and vomiting may in children be observed, but in the mature conventional are not. The sudden outbreak of different types of the flu almost every winter occur, and its severity is different. Symptoms similar to the common cold along with muscle pain and lethargy in the extent to which the patient can come out of bed does not have the symptoms of add, subtract, influenza from other respiratory diseases is infectious.

almost 33% of individuals suffering from disease of influenza lacks the symptoms of this disease.

the emergence of symptoms of influenza may be one or two days after catching the quite a sudden start. Usually, chills, and body aches the first signs are, but Fever is also common symptoms at the beginning of catching the disease is body temperature to the range 38 to 39 degrees Celsius (about 100 to 103 degrees Fahrenheit) can seem. A lot of people to the size of the patient can be several days in bed would be like, and pain beams, and dragging that across your body, experience that on the back of the body and legs more painful they are.