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What is H1N1 ?

Hemagglutinin type 1 Neuraminidase type 1

Swine flu respiratory disease of pigs that is influenza virus Type "A" material. Swine influenza virus (SIV) disease noted that there is by that can be created, among which the pigs are endemic.

swine flu is a viral disease that is usually the pig's suffering, but each year the items of the tribulation to the disease, especially from the way the call with this beast, etc. will be reported.

of this disease in humans through contact with the affected person also spread and does not sign its usual fever, dizziness, joint stiffness, nausea, vomiting, and in advanced cases, etc., unconsciousness, and death.

cases of human swine flu first, more people occurred, which in the distance not so far, near the pigs into overcrowded, but now the virus from human to human, the other is transmitted.

disease, swine flu of type H1N1, which is already there and is known and all decisions of the global influenza in the years 1918 and 1919, also due to the prevalence of this type of influenza. However, a recent survey shows that changes in the structure of the virus in the swine flu to come there. For this reason, from April 5, 2009 cases deaths from the disease in Mexico and the U.S. on alliance.

new type of flu that in 2009 in Mexico and the U.S. was discovered a combination of virus, swine flu, human, and acute birds.

before the outbreak of the swine flu in Mexico in 2009, cases of infection extensive animal and human to this disease in the US in 1976 and in the Philippines in 2007, it was reported.

the symptoms of swine flu among humans, influenza, human, namely fever, cough, sore throat, headaches, feeling cold and fatigue resembles. Some people also after getting affected by this disease suffer from diarrhea and vomiting.

According to the Bureau of health of the United States (CDC), the two drugs, Tamiflu and Relenza, which the medicines common to deal with the flu. to deal with all the species, the current swine flu is also effective.