Today, Sunday، 9 Mar 2025 - 18:16

Acronym Finder

What is DPRK ?
Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea
North Korea, officially the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (Democratic Republic of people of Korea), is a country located in the northern part of the Korean Peninsula in East Asia. The capital and largest city, it's Pyongyang. The country from the south with South Korea from the north with the people's Republic of China and in the angle of the north-eastern border, a small Russia.

the population of North Korea's 24 million people and its official language is Korean. The country North Korean won. Of the population of the country, about 64%,? 16%, a follower of the shaman belief Korean, 13% . and 4. the 5% follower of Buddhism. This country, a country, a single party that is the Workers ' Party of Korea, can be managed and the country, a follower of the ideology of Juche (self-sufficiency). This is the ideology of the Kim Il-Sung, the first president of North Korea, the basic plan, he was after his death, president eternal of North Korea was announced.

of Juche in 1972 in new constitution North Korea, etc. the ideology of the official government was announced and any reference to the term foreign Marxism-Leninism and communism from the Constitution, North Korea was removed but continues to show the Communist hammer and sickle next to The compound (or the same pen, welcome, blogging, in the Far East) on military or works of Juche, such as memorial of the establishment of a Labor Party in Pyongyang, as communism homespun is preserved. North Korean relations, tension coloring with some countries in the region, and the Western world is and program, missile and nuclear North Korea is controversial.

the Korean Peninsula in the late century XIX to the early century twentieth, by the kingdoms of Korea, was operated. The peninsula from 1905 to capture the Empire of Japan; five years later, formally part of Japan. With the defeat of Japan in World War II, the northern part to the capture of the Soviet Socialist the Soviet Union, and the southern part to capture the U.S. income. This way, the North Korean owner of a government allied with the Eastern Bloc and South Korea the owner of the government's pro-Western was while both claimed rule over the whole of the peninsula were the difference in the 1950's to the Korean War lasted that in the year 1953 with the armistice ended. The rule of Kim Il-Sung (1948 to 1994) country to country secluded turns out that this isolation after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 was aggravated.

After the death of Kim Il-Sung, his son Kim Jong-Il, the country's leadership to assume was from the year 2012 in the wake of the death of Kim Jong-Il, etc. the leadership of the country at the disposal of Kim Jong-It's his son.

North Korea from the country that the human rights council of the UN, it to widespread human rights violations, the defendant made.

the world the politicians who in the North Korean case, the wrath of the leader of the country will fall very soon disappear. The release of the execution of one of the ministers of this country by anti-aircraft much criticism goers, however, this news is certainly verification failed....
What is PRK ?
Peoples Republic of Korea
North Korea, officially the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (Democratic Republic of people of Korea), is a country located in the northern part of the Korean Peninsula in East Asia. The capital and largest city, it's Pyongyang. The country from the south with South Korea from the north with the people's Republic of China and in the angle of the north-eastern border, a small Russia.

the population of North Korea's 24 million people and its official language is Korean. The country North Korean won. Of the population of the country, about 64%,? 16%, a follower of the shaman belief Korean, 13% . and 4. the 5% follower of Buddhism. This country, a country, a single party that is the Workers ' Party of Korea, can be managed and the country, a follower of the ideology of Juche (self-sufficiency). This is the ideology of the Kim Il-Sung, the first president of North Korea, the basic plan, he was after his death, president eternal of North Korea was announced.

of Juche in 1972 in new constitution North Korea, etc. the ideology of the official government was announced and any reference to the term foreign Marxism-Leninism and communism from the Constitution, North Korea was removed but continues to show the Communist hammer and sickle next to The compound (or the same pen, welcome, blogging, in the Far East) on military or works of Juche, such as memorial of the establishment of a Labor Party in Pyongyang, as communism homespun is preserved. North Korean relations, tension coloring with some countries in the region, and the Western world is and program, missile and nuclear North Korea is controversial.

the Korean Peninsula in the late century XIX to the early century twentieth, by the kingdoms of Korea, was operated. The peninsula from 1905 to capture the Empire of Japan; five years later, formally part of Japan. With the defeat of Japan in World War II, the northern part to the capture of the Soviet Socialist the Soviet Union, and the southern part to capture the U.S. income. This way, the North Korean owner of a government allied with the Eastern Bloc and South Korea the owner of the government's pro-Western was while both claimed rule over the whole of the peninsula were the difference in the 1950's to the Korean War lasted that in the year 1953 with the armistice ended. The rule of Kim Il-Sung (1948 to 1994) country to country secluded turns out that this isolation after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 was aggravated.

After the death of Kim Il-Sung, his son Kim Jong-Il, the country's leadership to assume was from the year 2012 in the wake of the death of Kim Jong-Il, etc. the leadership of the country at the disposal of Kim Jong-It's his son.

North Korea from the country that the human rights council of the UN, it to widespread human rights violations, the defendant made.

the world the politicians who in the North Korean case, the wrath of the leader of the country will fall very soon disappear. The release of the execution of one of the ministers of this country by anti-aircraft much criticism goers, however, this news is certainly verification failed....
What is PE ?
Port Elizabeth
Port Elizabeth (PE) is the name of one of the cities of the South country South Africa Province of Eastern Cape (Eastern Cape)....
What is ZM ?
The Republic of Zambia (Republic of Zambia), is a country located in the center of the bowed to South Africa, south of Democratic Republic of Congo, northern Zimbabwe, and eastern Angola. The capital of Zambia the city of Lusaka.

area of Zambia 752, the 618 square kilometers and a population of close to 13 million people. The population of the country, mostly in Lusaka and the outskirts and in the province of "belt copper" in the north-west focused.

the inhabitants of the region, Zambia in the beginning, people were, but in the stream couch relatives Bantu in the thirteenth, this region is also . After visits by European explorers of this area in the eighteen on. Zambia in the late century, the nineteen British colonies, became the rulers of the London Plan.

Zambia at the date of 24 October 1964, the declaration of independence. In 2010, the World Bank, Zambia is one of the countries announced that the fastest economic reforms will run. The headquarters of the common market for eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) in Lusaka....
What is FIN ?
The Republic of Finland, is a country in the region of Scandinavia in northern Europe. This country, 5. the 4 million population and its capital is Helsinki. About a million of the country's population in the area of Metropolitan Helsinki live.
the currency this Euro country.

two languages, Finnish and Swedish in this country recognize. 89. the 33% of the people of the country, the Finnish language are Swedish in a few coastal area in the West, the south, and the area Authority Allende speak.
about 78 percent of the people of this country, follower of the ritual of Lutheran Christianity are and 20% are also religious.

country Finland in Finnish language (Suomi) is called. The word Finland which goes to work from the French name of that country is taken.

In terms of area, etc. Finland is the eighth country in Europe, after the Republic of the Congo the sixty-fifth largest country in the world. Finland in terms of low population density of most countries in the European Union to the number comes.

Finland from the twelfth century until the beginning of Century XIX part of Sweden was then in the course, become a Duke of the ghetto, a great authority in the Russian Empire was the situation until the Russian Revolution continued.

Finland each year, one of the countries that topped the table, high quality of life in the world, placed....
What is AUMS ?
Alborz University Medical Journal
Journal of University of Medical Sciences, Alborz (AUMS) as a quarterly, with the approach of the scientific research venture to print research papers, etc. about journalism and the overview in the medical field (research, health, and Applied Research in the field of Health)) in all fields of Medical Sciences and paramedical article accepts. The Office of the publication, in November 1390, was established and the first issue of it in February 1390 release found. The text of the article numbers printed in PDF format on the site is accessible.
now, this is the publication in sites ,IRAN MEDEX, Magiran, and,j-GATE,ROAD,, SID, ISC, Google Scholar, Cope, and system knowledge, the wide blessing, indexed, and the process profile on authoritative sites other is doing....
What is POL ?
Poland (Polish: Polska to English, Poland), officially the Republic of Poland, is a country in central Europe, western, Germany, South-West with the Czech Republic, from the south with Slovakia, North-East with Lithuania and Russia (the region's native Kaliningrad), East with Belarus, the south-eastern Ukraine and from the north with the Baltic Sea neighbours. The area of the country numerically, the 312, the 6 thousand square kilometers, is it the sixty-ninth largest country in the world and the ninth largest country in Europe. Also, with a population of 38. the 5 million this country, the thirty-fourth populous country world, eighth in Europe and sixth in the European Union. Poland has made focused has 16 provinces and the capital, Warsaw.

the executive branch of this country to the order of the president, the prime minister and the ministers. President for a term of 5 years will be selected that the maximum a president can two terms in this post, serve.

the name of the country, in most European languages pink (Pole). In some languages of Eastern Europe to the foothills of the "Lech" or "crush," you say. Lech, or Leh, from the ethnic name that comes about over a thousand years ago in the land of current Poland, lived and Lech (lęch) were known.

to this country, to the language of the Lithuanian Lenkija, language Hungarian Lengyelország, language of the Armenian Lehastan, and to the English, Poland, Poland or say....
What is KFZ ?
Kingston Free Zone
Area, Kingston (free trade area; the Jamaican dollar)...