Today, Friday، 28 Mar 2025 - 19:15

Acronym Finder

What is POL ?


Poland (Polish: Polska to English, Poland), officially the Republic of Poland, is a country in central Europe, western, Germany, South-West with the Czech Republic, from the south with Slovakia, North-East with Lithuania and Russia (the region's native Kaliningrad), East with Belarus, the south-eastern Ukraine and from the north with the Baltic Sea neighbours. The area of the country numerically, the 312, the 6 thousand square kilometers, is it the sixty-ninth largest country in the world and the ninth largest country in Europe. Also, with a population of 38. the 5 million this country, the thirty-fourth populous country world, eighth in Europe and sixth in the European Union. Poland has made focused has 16 provinces and the capital, Warsaw.

the executive branch of this country to the order of the president, the prime minister and the ministers. President for a term of 5 years will be selected that the maximum a president can two terms in this post, serve.

the name of the country, in most European languages pink (Pole). In some languages of Eastern Europe to the foothills of the "Lech" or "crush," you say. Lech, or Leh, from the ethnic name that comes about over a thousand years ago in the land of current Poland, lived and Lech (lęch) were known.

to this country, to the language of the Lithuanian Lenkija, language Hungarian Lengyelország, language of the Armenian Lehastan, and to the English, Poland, Poland or say.