What is FIN ?
the currency this Euro country.
two languages, Finnish and Swedish in this country recognize. 89. the 33% of the people of the country, the Finnish language are Swedish in a few coastal area in the West, the south, and the area Authority Allende speak.
about 78 percent of the people of this country, follower of the ritual of Lutheran Christianity are and 20% are also religious.
country Finland in Finnish language (Suomi) is called. The word Finland which goes to work from the French name of that country is taken.
In terms of area, etc. Finland is the eighth country in Europe, after the Republic of the Congo the sixty-fifth largest country in the world. Finland in terms of low population density of most countries in the European Union to the number comes.
Finland from the twelfth century until the beginning of Century XIX part of Sweden was then in the course, become a Duke of the ghetto, a great authority in the Russian Empire was the situation until the Russian Revolution continued.
Finland each year, one of the countries that topped the table, high quality of life in the world, placed.