What is VIM ?
Visual Editor Improved
Wim a software project is open-source. , author it, etc. to support the children of Uganda, encourage users to forgiveness for the Institute of charity does that to its children helps.
in 2006, Wim as the most popular text editor by the readers of Linux Journal was selected.
the history of the other editors Emacs-1 : the editor of the theory, the more the better, uses. Features large is that of the many features supported. On most Linux distros install. In fact, the editor (vi) and Emacs, the two main contenders in the realm of text editing in the world of Unix-like are considered, and the war of the editors there". Emacs is one of the most powerful editors of the text now. It should be noted that Emacs for text editing is not word processing. Hence, its main purpose is to control the size or font type, and so it is not the manipulation of words, and because they spend (to include relocation and fro, and clean and...), and coloring the text for easy storage, Editing, Computer Applications, and the likes of it. Through Emacs can be computer programs, written, run, and even proofreading (debug). Basically, it can be Emacs for working with any programming language, an enviable optimized and adjusted; and all this extends through the language, Emacs lisp. Jed-2 : this editor from the list, and the other components of the graphical environment, command-line use. Since the appearance of this app is very similar to graphic editors. Mainly for software development and programming is used.