What is LINUX ?
Linux Is Not Unix
only have core Linux, Linux, unpacking, etc., but typically the term to operating systems, Unix-like religion that is based on the Linux kernel and the tools and the GNU Project have been made.
Linux can be installed on a variety of hard . H (Linux Watch), a mobile phone, tablet, router, and game consoles have taken up computer, desktop, mainframe, and supercomputer.
to a collection of software based components, said Linux distribution (linux distribution), say, which typically includes tools, expand software, databases, etc. of web-servers like Apache and ... desktop environments such as GNOME and Ki, and X F, Si, and sets the office, such as OpenOffice.
At first Linux to use microprocessor, architecture of 80386 the Intel design. but nowadays, the variety of architectures it supports, and in all sorts of vehicles from personal computers has taken up the supercomputer and the cell phone goes to work. This operating system, which is initially the most by people keen spread can be handled. has been able to support the company, notability, because IBM and Hewlett-Packard have gained, and with the many versions of private Unix competition. Fans of Linux and a lot of analysts, this success stems from the independence of the seller, low cost of implementation, speed, high, security, and reliability, they know it.