Today, Sunday، 23 Feb 2025 - 02:16

Acronym Finder

What is SUP ?
or (be the supremum) is also the smallest bound high set with the arrangement of the minor or order. if available. the smallest number a member of the real numbers (and not a member of that set) is greater than or equal to all its members the collection. According to the principle of perfection, or integrity of any subset of The of real numbers, which of the above be a ....
What is VEI ?
Volcanic Explosivity Index
Profile the intensity of a volcano eruption (VEI) to, measure, and calculate the force mountain, volcano refers to.

This method, similar to device measure earth quake, which unit is it on the Richter scale. The originator of this method, measuring the two geologist named Chris and Steve the predecessor of∗. The height of the smoke column and the volume of material, factors, major, arrange the table, sensing the explosion. Arrange the ranks in terms of increase of the logarithmic calculated, that is, the force , etc., ten times the air of the past. Divided into degrees from zero to eight, that is, zero represents the activity of commodity low-risk volcanoes are in the event that the number eight, etc. the eruption of massive and with influences of world view. Grade 9 also in this table is calculated but if the occurrence of such a volcanic, etc., in all probability, the destruction of the world inevitable.

during the the past only once the explosive to the severity of 8 VEI occurred, and in the top ten every summer, last a minimum of five volcanic explosion with Grade 7 VEI happened....
What is INES ?
International Nuclear Event Scale
The scale of the international nuclear accident ( INES ) scale internationally to describe the level of risk of a nuclear accident is the first time in 1990 by the International Atomic Energy Agency was presented.
the scale, from Grade Zero up to 7 categories to be that level 7 represents a big disaster core, such as the accident of Chernobyl or Fukushima....
What is MSK ?
Medvedev Sponheuer Karnik scale
The scale of the Medvedev–– or Ms Kay or MS Ki-64 (MSK or MSK-64) is a scale of intensity, may seismic is to measure the amount of ground shake based on the effects observed in the earthquake goes to work.

the scale for the first time in 1964 by Sergei Medvedev of the Soviet Union. Wilhelm from East Germany, Witt from Czechoslovakia, was proposed. This scale is based on the experiences that in the early 1960's was to apply the scale has been modified And edition 1953, scale, Medvedev had obtained the basic plan.

with minor changes, that in the scale of Ms Kay in the mid-1970's and early 1980's emerged, this scale is widely used in Europe and the Soviet Union were used. In the early 1990's the commission of the seismic geology of Europe, many of the principles that in the scale of the Ki formulation was made in the development and expansion of the scale of the February quake, Europe. The scale of the February quake, Europe also now standard measure the intensity of earthquakes in the European countries. SMS Ki-64 continues in India, Israel, Russia and throughout the Commonwealth of Independent States goes to work.

scale –– somewhat similar scale modified that in the United States of America goes to work. This scale of 12 degrees, the intensity of which is with the Roman numerals express....
What is EMS ?
European Macroseismic Scale
The scale of the February quake, Europe (EMS) based on sensing seismic intensity in European countries and some countries . This scale in 1998 as a version to the updates of the trial version of 1992 officially released, and with the name of the penetration, Ms-98 (EMS-98) be known.

history penetration, SMS in 1988, began that the commission Seismology of Europe decided that the scale of the Medvedev–– review and updating. The scale of the Medvedev-- in the form of his early, almost for a quarter of a century in Europe, used. After five years of intensive research and development and spending 4 year trial period, etc. the scale of the new officially released. In 1996, twenty parliament, the commission, Seismology in Europe, in Reykjavik a resolution issued to the member states recommend that the from this new scale.

the scale of the February quake, the first scale of seismic intensity is to encourage cooperation between engineers and geologists have designed. instead of only by geologists to be used. This scale, together with the prospectus detailed that includes guidelines, pictures and example applications can be published.

unlike the scales of great earthquakes, which represents the seismic energy discontinued by earthquakes. the scale of the February quake, Europe, the intensity of the effects of earthquakes on a place does not specify. This scale of twelve degrees, is that in the following detailed it comes....
What is DAG ?
Directed Acyclic Graph
& , Computers, and mathematics. graph (or as a summary DAG) is a digraph that has no round, the direction, capitalism does not (i.e., no route directions, which head the beginning and the end of that one. there is not). Because of the features of this type of graph can be used to model systems, cause-and-effect.

one round (cycle) path is simple, that Vertex start and end it one. Graph a simple direction like that, not around the non-circular (acyclic) is called.
A round in a simple graph without direction include, at a minimum, the Mane is different in that no Rousey in it, not duplicate, except in the Ross Elementary and trailing.

the use of graph non-circular, some algorithms are easier and more agile. DAG in the algorithm, routing, network, processing data, pedigree data, compression data, and many other items are used....
What is USDT ?
US Digital Transactions
USDT a tokens and assets is to go through the protocol, Omni, Layer, Pro in should China, bitcoin is generated. Each unit USDT is the US dollar supported the tokens under the supervision of Tether kept, and somehow the wallet with the original tokens, etc. site Tether . Tokens, USDT can be like bitcoin or any digital currency other pass, store, or to buy used.

USDT to facilitate the transfer of national currencies is created to make users replace the stability for bitcoin.

the cause of the price fixed USDT mean?
the tokens with the support of the US dollar is created. The production of these tokens are compared to the US dollar is done, so its price is often fixed and is relative to the price of the dollar changed. Because of the price fixed, USDT, usually for investments purchased are not, and often to buy or save money are used.

the advantage USDT relative to the dollar?
because of the constant being the price and change it relative to the dollar, risk the purchase or maintenance money. Also, due to having a wallet, without an intermediary being, etc. can be used for the purchase or trade very used. With these tokens you can risk-price fluctuations in that more digital currencies. trade and buy. Also, instead of keeping money in the bank can use it to save money use. Buy with these tokens are similar to the purchase transactions, Bitcoin is no longer the need to process traditional such as credit cards....
What is PSK ?
Phase Shift Keying
change the phase (PSK) is a modulation method, digital data that will change or the phase of one signal (the carrier wave) sends.

each modulation method digital number limit of the signal, a distinct advantage does digital data offer. PSK also from a limited phase, each for a particular pattern of bits defined interest. Usually each phase, the number of parity bit encryption. Each pattern of bits in a symbol form that is by the phase of their special offer. which to set the symbols used by the modulator is specially designed phase of the signal received, the diagnosis, and gives it to the special symbol, their assigns, and such original data are retrieved. This act to a receiver requires that the phase of the signal received with a reference signal, the comparison that such a system the coherent call. ( Introduced with the name of the CPSK )

Also, instead of working out compared to a reference signal, the fixed device can be compared to herself. Changes the phase of a wave has on the player can be used as items obvious in mind. In such a system, instead of the phase difference relative to a reference signal, detect the modulator changes the phase of the signal received, the diagnosis, and not their phase. Since this plan to the difference between the phases of successive depends on. change the differential phase ( differential phase-shift keying ) or DPSK is called. DPSK can be much easier than PSK typical implementation, there are other need to have a sample of a reference signal to detect the exact phase of the signal has been received does not need. (Non-coherent) instead, this style of error probability more will be....