Today, Monday، 10 Mar 2025 - 12:11

Acronym Finder

What is DAG ?

Directed Acyclic Graph

& , Computers, and mathematics. graph (or as a summary DAG) is a digraph that has no round, the direction, capitalism does not (i.e., no route directions, which head the beginning and the end of that one. there is not). Because of the features of this type of graph can be used to model systems, cause-and-effect.

one round (cycle) path is simple, that Vertex start and end it one. Graph a simple direction like that, not around the non-circular (acyclic) is called.
A round in a simple graph without direction include, at a minimum, the Mane is different in that no Rousey in it, not duplicate, except in the Ross Elementary and trailing.

the use of graph non-circular, some algorithms are easier and more agile. DAG in the algorithm, routing, network, processing data, pedigree data, compression data, and many other items are used.