Today, Sunday، 23 Feb 2025 - 09:22

Acronym Finder

What is MUX ?
In electronics, multiplexing or multi-multiplexer (multiplexer), or abbreviated mux, is a device that is one of the few digital signal or the analog input of his choice and then input the selected to a line output guidance. Multiplexing, with 2^n inputs, n Line, Select the lines, choose the identify which input line should be the line output of the guidance. Of multiplexing, to further increase the amount of information that can be used in a specified time, with a bandwidth specified on the grid. are used. A multiplexing electronic supplier to several signal allows a device or source for shared use. For example, can be a conversion the analog-to-digital or a line of communication in between the lines of input to a shared, rather than being for each input device, a separate to be considered.

In contrast, a multi-multiplexer, or the dmux device is an input line and multiple line output is that each input line to one of the multi-line output driven.

a multi-multiplexer can be like a switch several inputs, one output assumed, and a demultiplexer as a switch, one Input, Multi Output....
What is GBT ?
Green Bank Telescope
Green Bank the name of the radio telescope significant guidance in terms of direction angle of view on the world is in West Virginia, WVU in the U.S. is located.

Green Bank belongs to the Observatory of the National Radio Astronomy by the US. and after that in 1988 was destroyed again in the year 2000, was opened.

This consists of a parabola gon with a diameter of 100 km....
What is S/PDIF ?
Sony/Philips Digital Interface Format
PDIF is a connection of audio digital equipment, consumer audio is that the distance is relatively short is used. Digital signals, the audio connections through the coaxial cable with a connector RCA or optical fiber cable with connectors TOSLINK can be transmitted....
What is DMX ?
Digital MultiPlexing
Di all x 512 (DMX) is a protocol multiplexing, data compression. From this protocol, more to control the play of light in celebration and concert along with the sound system used....
What is COMPAS ?
Compressor Maintenance Prediction
System forecast repairs and maintenance of compressor...
What is CENTRI ?

centrifuge (Centrifugus) (Centre means the centre, and fugus - the means to escape from) or is a device in which the use of centrifugal force, material separate from each other. In this device, a chamber that the material is removable it is located usually to the help of a motor to speed around an axis rotates.

a centrifuge is a device from which to rotate the material at high speed can be used. Scientists usually device, a centrifuge for separating solid particles from a liquid, or divide the mixed liquids into different components of it to fall. The mixture within the tube, are so placed that by rotating the device, to the outside from the Center, move to landscape mode fall. In this mode, the centrifugal force will be that mix, unlike the center of the centrifugal Brando from this point away and the particles or liquid, heavier, more towards the outside (or bottom of the mix) are driven by. When the centrifugal from the stands, materials of the same mode non-mixing can like. Blood and other biological samples is usually by machine, centrifugal separator. The fastest Rotary with the name " getaway" with a speed of 200000 rpm rotates. Of the eccentric device to conduct experiments on military pilots and astronauts are used to the amount of resistance to them in acceleration, the top turned out to be....
What is VTM ?
Virtual Teller Machine
Your bank
Bank city with the launch of the counter that the ability to provide all banking services for 24 hours. the first bank was that for the first time in Iran represent these devices as \"\". With the use of the technology conference, from the way away, the interaction between the customer and the person stationed in the branch, a virtual bank is established and banking services needed to provide customer. Through the device (VTM) available at the counter Bank city, this feature will be possible until the client online with the virtual connection, and is request your bank for distance do that this feature for the first time that in the banking network, the launch has been....
What is Li-ion ?
Lithium-ion battery
Battery lithium-ion (Li-ion or LIB) is a family of batteries is rechargeable, in which at the time of unloading, ions of lithium from the negative electrode to the positive electrode, and when charging upside down.

batteries lithium - ion the highest energy density to provide, almost twice the energy attainable from the batteries nickel - cadmium. Them to discharge the full does not require and can flow a higher for charge and discharge without damage to the battery. When the discharge potential drop a little. to the period of the break-in do not require, and the issue of memory battery News. You can at any time, a lithium - ion without the performance of the battery can affect the charging, but because the batteries lithium - ion usually has a lifetime of charge/discharge ۳۰۰, ۵۰۰ cycle, and are early to early and pre-discharge, the battery charge used during the battery life low. Also, continue charging after filling, the battery is damaged and its life is reduced to the reason for charging them from the circuits, protective, Smart, is used after filling the charge current to be cut off and battery over-charge them. Although many of the creators of batteries, lithium - ion battery life up to three years mentioned. some of the consumers during the service life of up to ۱۸ year, it reported.

explain the important in conjunction with lithium - ion. (For optimum use and long life)

because most available devices, battery type lithium - ion. Draw your attention to how to correct use of this battery draw I believe.

most of the household such devices explain the right in relation to how to correct use this type of battery don't and generally, their explanations are related to the maintenance of the batteries nickel-cadmium and nickel've a friend that is on the mobile and laptops, was used, and such description is only language to rotated and to this household without notice.
one of the most important tips used battery lithium - ion, this is should never charge it from ۳% lower come and whenever to the amount of receipts from the machine, do not use it to charger field.
whenever needed the battery a long time, keep charging it, ۴۵, ۵۵ percent field. The amount of charge the appropriate amount for the storage battery industry.
never the positive pole and negative short circuit, do not.
if the advanced machines like laptop or mobile, you use always the original software the device update and be sure better and newer on how to charge the battery on the new software releases will be applied, because the energy and the battery is the most important part, the device industry, and companies pay attention to it.
in the little devices, like mobile and with more player when charging. The device every night to put on the floor, the material of the battery with gravity, always to a face تهنشین not this issue makes it the best performance of the battery and amount of charge this thing....