Today, Friday، 28 Mar 2025 - 04:49

Acronym Finder

What is MUX ?


In electronics, multiplexing or multi-multiplexer (multiplexer), or abbreviated mux, is a device that is one of the few digital signal or the analog input of his choice and then input the selected to a line output guidance. Multiplexing, with 2^n inputs, n Line, Select the lines, choose the identify which input line should be the line output of the guidance. Of multiplexing, to further increase the amount of information that can be used in a specified time, with a bandwidth specified on the grid. are used. A multiplexing electronic supplier to several signal allows a device or source for shared use. For example, can be a conversion the analog-to-digital or a line of communication in between the lines of input to a shared, rather than being for each input device, a separate to be considered.

In contrast, a multi-multiplexer, or the dmux device is an input line and multiple line output is that each input line to one of the multi-line output driven.

a multi-multiplexer can be like a switch several inputs, one output assumed, and a demultiplexer as a switch, one Input, Multi Output.