What is FPSO ?
Floating Production Storage Offloading
vessels, FPSO, because of the ease in doing the process three times, in the offshore preference for that time, because by using it, no need to build infrastructure such as podium, etc. and pipelines for the operation of The that store do not have much time. would not be, and the same agent causes operation of the squares of the distances very far from the drought have been found for oil companies affordable. Of course, the dimensions of this vessel are so large that all the equipment for the production and storage of oil and transfer easily accommodates both the deck and under the hull of these vessels، a variety of facilities are located. To imagine the magnitude of a vessel in your mind, you just need to know that three giant 747 boosters are easily placed on the deck of this vessel.< < >another point is these vessels use an advanced anchoring system to stabilize their positions on the sea waves, which is carried out in several stages with the help of several anchoring systems. Anchors are placed in the middle of the ship so that the vessel can easily rotate around the axis and easily stabilize its position at sea by changing currents below or in stormy conditions.. Another remarkable thing about the vessels is that these vessels can connect to several oil wells at a time at a depth of and collect hydrocarbons (oil and gas) through mobile pipes and transport them to tanks on the surface of the ship. It is interesting to note that the refining facilities on the deck are exactly the same as the refining facilities on the coastal. This facility includes separation and injection equipment purification and compression and other related technologies. The bottom line is that Petrobras total Choron shell exon Mobil and B. The world's most active oil companies in the field of using yen vessels are considered.