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What is LHC ?

Large Hadron Collider

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is an accelerator particle and Collider at CERN near Geneva, Switzerland. This project on September 10, 2008 ad (20 Shahrivar 1387 Hijri) after 20 years of preparation, began. The goal of making it the recognition of objects, material, contour 10 − 23 cm., the test theory, standard particles, etc. explore the components has been found, the standard model etc. test the theory of super-symmetry and theory of great unity. Other important goals of this project, discovery of particle the fundamental Higgs is physicists, elementary particles there are it's prophecies have. Particle the Higgs, or the Higgs boson involved in the creation of mass in elementary particles.

In this laboratory, the Proton, in a tunnel 26 kilometers acceleration taken and the size of 14 trillion electron volts, the energy of fall and to collide to the collision., the trace of the Higgs boson and show.

the accelerator on 10 September 2008 was launched, but not the next day due to a technical fault and going up the temperature of the magnets, the cloud-conductive, which should be in low temperatures, work was stopped. This accelerator after 14-month hiatus on November 21, 2009, and relaunched.