32What is SMN ?Survival of Motor NeuronSMN, which stands for the English phrase survival of the neu...
31What is wwPDB ?World Wide Protein Data BankBank data, global protein, which briefly \"wwPDB\", also cal...
33What is NOD1 ?Nucleotide-binding Oligomerization Domain-containing protein 1Protein number 1 contains the second and bind to the nucleo...
45What is ZMPSTE24 ?Zinc Metallo Peptidase STE24ZMPSTE24 is the name of a gene in humans. The protein that t...
34What is FOXP2 ?Forkhead Box Protein P2FOXP2 as a complete protein Pi 2 box is a protein that in h...
40What is FOXO1 ?Forkhead Box Protein O1Protein box O1 is a protein that is Gene "FOXO1" is coded. ...