What is FOXP2 ?
Forkhead Box Protein P2
FOXP2, the first gene is associated with language and the word was discovered. This gene on the long arm of chromosome 7 located in the brain, heart, lungs and intestines of the fetus and the adult human express. Also, making another of these genes in other mammals have been found and the map gene, complete it in hand. This gene in both of them more active than male, and this issue maybe is the reason for skills more learning language in women (compared to men).
in humans, mutations in this gene cause severe disorders of verbal and verbal. Since version similar of this gene in other vertebrates. there is a survey done on it in mice, and bird singers has shown that the existence of this gene for the flexibility of the neural circuits of the brain is essential. Apart from the brain. the presence of the gene for the natural evolution of the gut and the heart, too, is necessary.
FOXP2 "gene language" reputation. but it should be noted that gene, is another important in the evolution of verbal and language, human role, that of it among the can be to CNTNAP2, etc. CTBP1 and SRPX2 noted.
gene FOXP2 in humans and chimpanzees, only in 2 amino acid differences, but only one of these differences, dual, etc. specific human.