42What is WBC ?White Blood CellBlood cell, white blood (cells the body\'s defenses) 81What is CRP ?Cyclic Receptor ProteinCRP globulin is a protein serum that during a process of acu... 50What is FBS ?Fasting Blood SugarThe amount of blood sugar in the fasting state (8 hours sinc... 36What is HCT ?HematocritHCT (hematocrit) is one of the tests the blood vessels, whic... 59What is CBC ?Complete Blood CountBlood test or complete the testing of the blood or in medica... 36What is RBC ?Red Blood Cell. red blood cell or (RBC), the most common type of cells is...1 2
81What is CRP ?Cyclic Receptor ProteinCRP globulin is a protein serum that during a process of acu...