What is FBS ?
Fasting Blood Sugar
test the FBS or the Fast blood sugar test-measure sugar levels in blood is that testing is very routine in every laboratory. In this test the level of blood sugar patients, for fasting are examined. Test FBS for diagnosis and control of diseases like diabetes is very important.
causes of Metabolic the body, the consumption and storage of sugar effective blood glucose levels of the patient, his ability to metabolic activities of the show. It is possible that the amount of blood sugar of a patient in any circumstances be different, and after eating up goes. That is why this test in patients for fasting is done. Increasing age is also this factor has an impact, and usually after 60 years of age each year to the amount of blood sugar, the patient will be added.
from another application, test, FBS can be used to check the hyper glycemic ( being blood sugar) and ... hypoglycemia ( low blood sugar), the diagnosis of diabetes, pregnancy, and review the talent of people developing diabetes, pregnancy noted.