11What is PETCT ?Positron Emission Tomography Computed TomographyPositron emission tomography–computed tomography (better kno...
15What is ROMA ?Risk of Ovarian Malignancy AlgorithmOvarian cancer is the fourth leading cause of cancer deaths ...
16What is ESCC ?Esophageal Squamous Cell CarcinomaMarijuana cancer is a type of cancer that develops in the es...
62What is TNM ?Tumor, Node, MetastasesThe severity of types of breast cancer Breast Cancer for 0 t...
32What is SCC ?Squamous-Cell CarcinomaSquamous cell-carcinoma (SCC) or squamous cell cancer ( or S...
26What is CIRC ?Centre International de Recherche sur le CancerCenter for global cancer research or the CIRC is a center be...