Today, Thursday، 27 Mar 2025 - 11:29

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What is ESCC ?

Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Marijuana cancer is a type of cancer that develops in the esophagus or red trachea (part of the digestive tube). The esophagus is responsible for transporting food to the stomach and is located between the pharynx and stomach. This disease involves difficulty swallowing and weight loss. Other signs of this disease include pain when swallowing، misrepresentation.swollen lymph nodes (gland formation) around the clavicle bone. dry cough and possibly coughing or vomiting blood.

two main types of tissue from the disease is common, which includes squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus, which often make it for ESCC stands for work and more in developing countries, there comes, and esophageal adenocarcinoma is that in developed countries is common. There are other types of this disease that are less common. Squamous cell carcinoma arises from the covering tissue that forms the row of superficial esophageal tissue. nocarcinoma comes from glandular cells that are present in the lower third of the esophagus where there are often pre-transformed intestinal metaplasia (known as Barrett's esophagus). The most common factors of squamous cell type disease include tobacco - alcohol-very hot drinks and improper diet. The most common factors of type nocarcinoma include smoking tobacco obesity and acid reflux.< < > this disease is diagnosed with biopsy, which is done by endoscopy (with a fiber optic camera). Prevention of this disease includes such things as quitting smoking and using a healthy diet. The treatment of this disease is based on cases such as the stage of cancer and the position of the disease, along with the person's general condition and individual preferences. Small localized squamous cell carcinoma can probably be treated with surgery in conjunction with therapeutic care. In many other cases، chemotherapy with or without radiation therapy is used alongside surgery. The growth of larger tumors is likely to decrease with chemotherapy and radiation therapy. If the disease has spread a lot or the person's health is such that surgery is not possible، palliative care is often recommended. On the implications of this process if a late diagnosis is linked to the spread of the disease and other medical conditions.but typically the probability is relatively poor. The five-year survival rate is around 1 13 to٪ 18.< < >in 2012 esophageal cancer was the eighth largest cancer in the world in terms of the highest number of occurrences, with 456 thousand new samples observed during the same year. The disease led to 400 thousand deaths, of which this number in 1990-345 thousand deaths. Rates vary in different countries، but half of all cases occur in China. The occurrence of this disease in men is three times that of women.