17What is MBSA ?Microsoft Baseline Security AnalyzerAnalyst, Security Foundation, Microsoft, or briefly, SS (MBS...
25What is ICANN ?Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and NumbersIcon (ICANN), the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names an...
30What is IANA ?Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), the institution that the responsibility of guardian...
17What is GTLD ?Generic Top Level DomainDomain top level (gTLD) is one of the categories of top-leve...
20What is AVC ?Antelope Valley CollegeCollege Antelope Valley (AVC), one of the most complete coll...
30What is IMS ?IP Multimedia Subsystem multimedia IP, refer to the IMS standard, the new communica...
27What is PPTP ?Point to Point Tunneling ProtocolProtocol PPTP is an acronym of Point to Point Tunneling Prot...