What is ICANN ?
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
icon responsible for managing the assignment of domain names and addresses the internet protocol. The Tasks icon is to guarantee the allocation of Internet Protocol address for a space in the internet, the assignment of protocol IDs, systems, and management of top-level domain names, and operators manage the root broker (root server). Up to today, a lot of work introducing the public domain the level of the top of the new were concerned. Work characteristics of the icon reference to the operator .
of the basics of the functional icon as a guide for maintaining the stability of the operational internet, promotion of competition, etc. to find a representation widely used in the global internet community, and developing policy appropriate to its mission from the beginning to the end. and processes based on agreed videos, is described.
at 29 September 2006. icon, the agreements, with the Ministry of Commerce (Department of Commerce), the United States signed that pursuant to which the PA, private in the future get to, complete management system, internet, Central of ID, coordinated by several model of advice that the icon representative of them.