What is CVSS ?
Common Vulnerability Scoring System
the latest version of CVSS version CVSSv3 that in June 2015, was published.
during the years 2003/2004, during the research by the Association advisory, infrastructure, national (NIAC) with the aim of creating a standard system and, industrial to determine the severity vulnerabilities computer for accepted, etc., eventually led to the creation of CVSS version 1 (CVSSv1) in February 2005. This draft(version) primary is never contingent on review by other organizations was not. In April 2005, the organization NIAC, the response to the incident and security team (FIRST), responsible for the development of CVSS in the future.
After receiving feedback from the that CVSSv1 in their products, use them. it became clear that "significant problems in the early draft of the CVSS" there. Work on the CVSS version II (CVSSv2) from April 2005 and began work on the technical specifications of its end of June 2007 began.
After receiving the feedback more in the year 2012, on the CVSS version III (CVSSv3) was started. that finally this version in June 2015 with the name of the CVSSv3.0 is released.