Today, Friday، 28 Mar 2025 - 12:51

Acronym Finder

What is TRORS ?

Total Rate Of Return Swap

Swap the total returns with the name of the other swap bank mutually beneficial or swap mutually beneficial or swap mutually beneficial, or how mutually beneficial that, in English, Total return swap, or TRS ,total rate of return swap, or TRORS, or Cash Settled Equity Swap is called a ... a contract is a financial that both types of credit risk and market risk an asset base (underlying asset) will pass. This contract is an agreement of swap, in which a side-payment based on a rate determined (fixed or variable) will perform the ... while the other side paying based on the returns and the return on an asset base (Basic), does that also include the income that the asset helps create, and to be an asset that you have achieved.

This contract to one side (for example, Bank B) allow the ownership of an asset economic benefits to be achieved without it, that its assets in the balance sheet and on the other hand, to the other side, etc. (for example, Bank A), the assets on its balance sheet. allow that the protection (insurance coverage) against losses in value it buys.