What is TMR ?
Triple Modular Redundant
1 - Single-Voter
2 - Three-Voter,
read a lot in the field of judgment and Sync has been investigated. Many of the methods, judging, etc. expand the data have been, and to build systems with high reliability have been used. This article, again, the structures of judgment for cascading TMR introduced . Here, a class TMR from a Simms Triplicated (M) and relevant (V) is formed , cascading TMR connections TMR is formed . (Figure 1) freq cascading TMR can be a complete system up or can subsystem network logical Triplicated a more general and larger . In such a way that the output of a class Figure 1 can be used as the input of the subsystem, . subsystem, can as the additional input, some of the classes Figure 1 .If the Freq cascading TMR reliable addressed are that at least two , 3 modules in each storey are correct and the referee is the last floor, the correct output will produce .