Today, Friday، 7 Mar 2025 - 06:19

Acronym Finder

What is ALARA ?
As Low As Reasonably Achievable
ALARA is a principle and a term, concisely developed in the engineering core. and physics health.

ALARA stands for As Low As Reasonably Achievable. (so low that logically achievable. and the concept of \"the less justified doable,\" and, therefore, means the factors of social and Economic, which must be for protection against radiation consider the fall wine.

this term is similar with the principle of optimization of protection used by the International Commission on protection from radiation (ICRP)....
What is ETC ?
Electron Transport Chain
Chain electron transfer, is a collection of protein complex that stored energy vector of the electron derived from oxidation reactions, and the revival of the cells to form ATP and other molecules for high-energy consumption. This sets the protein in the interior membrane of the mitochondria., the membrane the chloroplasts and the membranes of the plasma can be seen.The chloroplasts found in plants, has two layers of membrane, which layer of the interior components to name .In the membrane two series set there called 12 that the light first, by 2 absorbed.The cause of naming them related to the discovery is not the start of the activity...
What is CO ?
Carbon monOxide
Carbon monoxide etc. (with the chemical formula CO), the gas is caused by incomplete burning of carbon arise. This gas is very toxic, but the color and smell certain.

all fixtures and devices that burning something they have (such as a heater, gas or oil, a water heater, or even the engine of a car) somewhat production. the amount of this production to the conditions of combustion (burning) depends. the more the amount of oxygen during Burning is less than the greater part of the carbon, experiencing incomplete Susie can be instead of carbon dioxide (CO2) production.

people who are in a space enclosed exposed to inhalation of this gas will fall first, feel the relationship of brain and drowsiness are, and if that's faster, leave or breathe fresh air do not suffer from unconsciousness and, ultimately, choking.

to stay away from the dangers of this gas, which is constantly recommended for the heater gas homes, be sure of the chimney, cap, used....
What is BCS ?
Bardeen Cooper Schrieffer
The theory of BCS, etc. theory to justify the superconductivity is that in 1957, emerged. This theory, due to the letter of the original name, physicist, originator of it. John , Robert and Leon Cooper was named in the 1972 Nobel Prize for Physics, also for it to bring.

In The Theory of BCS, two electrons with spin opposite to. that has are negative (contrary to expectations) to attract each other, and not the pairs of Cooper, make up, cause the force of gravity, the interaction of phonons-electrons. For the formation of the pairs of Cooper, low temperature specific need is, and at temperatures below this, the pairs that the statistics of Bose-Einstein follow can condensation the Bose-Einstein form....
What is IDL ?
International Date Line
Line or line the International time (IDL) is linear hypothetical on the surface of the earth, that from the middle of the Pacific Ocean, passes, and ships and planes, with the passage of this line, the date, the day on which the overcrowded to change.

line to be somewhat aligns with the orbit of the meridian of 180 degrees (the point opposite the meridian of origin), but in parts of the circuit, drifts can be divided when some units and political groups in the island to prevent.

from longitude up line in the direction of the East, 180 degrees east (E) and in the direction of West to 180 degrees west (W) is divided.

when crossing the line from West to East should be a day to the calendar, adding to the picture when crossing from East to West, this line should be a day of the calendar. Countries located in the east of this line, the Western countries compared to the meridian of Greenwich (Western Hemisphere), and Western countries. the countries of East relative to the Meridian Greenwich (hemisphere Oriental) poses come.

if a passenger from the West, Earth to the east (from continental US to continental Asia) is a time the earth away in vain. one day calender from Origin, your move, can happen and should be a day to date ' and, on the contrary, from east of Earth to West ( from Asia to the US) should be one day from the date....
What is VHF ?
Very High Frequency
He was a friend f, etc. (frequency too high) to the waves between 30 MHz to 300 MHz is said to be....
What is UHF ?
Ultra High Frequency
F (stands for frequency, our ultra-high) to the range of spectral wave electromagnetic that the frequency between 300 MHz and 3 GHz. is said to be....
What is VOC ?
Volatile Organic Compound
Volatile organic compounds...