What is LIBS ?
Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
but the history of spectroscopy induced breakdown laser (LIBS) goes back to a little later, the introduction of the laser in the 60s. Laser the main base of the technique, LIBS. after the construction of the first laser, Ruby, in 1960 a lot of research in the field of laser. In 1963, the Q-Switched in lasers was invented. This type of lasers the ability to produce pulses with high energy and during the short pulse were having and ability to use techniques, LIBS will find. In 1963, the first reports about the creation of the plasma, the laser in gases was given. Continued in 1966, analytics, testing equipment, hot metals by the technique of LIBS was and can be this era's time of birth, the technique of LIBS in the realm of science, he said. In the commonly know a lot of research on this technique took place, and nowadays this technique, a technique well-known in the field of spectroscopy.
because this method can be used in environments different on each of the three phases of matter (solid; liquid and gas) To work. in recent years, the application of this method in the fields of industrial, medical, military and... the growth and development of many find and use it several examples, such as alloys, metal samples dependent on the land and geology. archaeological, environmental, etc. polymeric materials, and biologically analyzed and investigated. Tools and LIBS as compared to the other methods, the easier and cheaper it is to such that can be set from this tool for a means of portable, powerful and usable in any environment, making. Advantage such as no need for sample preparation, which, besides preventing it from getting contaminated samples, the use of this procedure for each sample, with dimensions and different features makes possible. Analysis of the way away, be fast and analysis of material to be immediate and in place and... has caused that the use of this method to analyze the qualitative and quantitative elemental materials is considered. Also, this method could be elements of the minimum and the original simultaneously, and allergic Top-Up Limit ppm detection.
plasma is a collection of particles include atoms, ions, and electrons, which is considered to be electrically neutral and has Behavioral the mass of your show. Plasma, LIBS, interaction, and absorption of the energy of the laser pulse by the sample is achieved. by the parameters of diversity are identified, that the most basic, it's the degree of ionization. Plasma in which the ratio of electrons to other species contained in the plasma. less than is plasma poor, and called on the other hand plasma, which atoms of it, a large number of electron lost and the ratio of electrons to atoms and ions too much. plasma degree of ionization of said to be high. Plasma created in, LIBS, generally, in the first category fall. Interaction between laser and matter, has long to the size of your laser. It is a process that in the method of LIBS product it plasma. the complicated process is that the variables a lot, including parameters related to the laser and the type of material depends on and the discussion of it here does not fit. In plasma, atoms and neutral that in the excited state. of particular importance are. Continues the processes related to the formation of the plasma, the expression of the will.