What is QGP ?
Quark Gluon Plasma
although an organization, sides, claim scientists National Laboratory Brookhaven does not endorse, is but God, in February 2010, claiming that a plasma quark gluon at a temperature of 4 trillion degrees Celsius have made.
the three experiments, the current in the collider hadronic, CERN is doing the testing, Alice, etc. experiments, Atlas and friends, still are, check the properties of the plasma the quark gluon. This experiment, in November 2010 began, and the first protons and then ion, the lead in the experiment Alice, me the collision was on December 6, stopped, and again in January 2011 to begin work. In the first week of the collision of the ions of lead in the year of the thirty scientists to a few plasma quark gluon, with a temperature of ten trillion degrees Celsius'.