Today, Friday، 7 Feb 2025 - 04:25

Acronym Finder

What is SEP ?
September, the ninth month of the year was in the calendar of Gregory and is also one of the four months the timeline of Gregory that 30 days.

September in the northern hemisphere in terms of seasonal equal to April in south hemisphere. The first day of September in the northern hemisphere, the initiator of the fall, and in the south hemisphere, the initiator of spring. September, on the same day of the week begins December in the year of the ordinary begins Also any fish not on the same day of the week all the that the SEP all.

the phrase septem in Latin means seven. In fact, until the year 46 BC, September was the seventh month, timepiece, Roman, because it was September, to coincide with the seventh month of the calendar is solar(October) and is Roman your calendar based on the calendar, solar, made, were, that the first month of the year from Kalendas Martius, or March to Kalendas Januarius January find change. September in the timepiece, astronomy, etc. that may (March/Mars/Aries) begins, the sixth month of the year....
What is AUG ?
August (French: Août), or "August" eighth month of the year was in the calendar of Gregory, and also one of the seven months of the calendar Gregory with 31 days. August the French pronunciation of the Latin (meaning auspicious) is in English, and this term out of the way, the loan is taken.

this month, in the beginning, because after the sixth month of the Year calendar elementary Romans in the time of Empire, Romulus in the year 753 BC. in the Latin language, the name of the was named, When year, with the march to start. Around the year 700 BC, after adding January and February to the beginning of the months of the year, by the King , and also the 29 day of it. convert to the eighth month of the year was. Julius Caesar added 2 days to the months when the calendar Julien in the year 45 BC the formulation. the total number of days this month to 31, i.e. the same number of days that the Today for the month intended)....
What is JUL ?
July (French: juillet), or July to July) the seventh month of the year was in the calendar of Gregory, and sometimes a number (between June and August) is the month, the fourth fish, which is 31 days. The name of this month from the Senate of Rome to commemorate Julius Caesar, who in this month was born. has been chosen. Before such named place name this month .

for the average of this month the hottest month in the northern hemisphere (because the first month is summer) and coldest months in the south hemisphere (because the first winter months). In half South Korean from the perspective of seasonal July, corresponding to January in the northern hemisphere.

in half the North Korean phrase, "the days," to the early days of July used because, arduous summer started. Sheep spring, in the late winter and beginning of spring come into the world, and usually the AGO from July 1, to sell to arrive.

In ancient Rome the celebration on July 5 and Lodi on 13 July and a few days after it held, but today these celebrations, matching, casual, a number of establishments today, other with the dates correspond....
What is JUN ?
June (French: Juin) or June (June) the sixth month of the year during timepiece and timepiece Gregory is one of the four months, 30 days years. the Roman poet, in the idyll with the name June, the two roots is brought about: first, it (juno), etc. the Romans, wife of Jupiter, which is also the row Hera Greek, in ancient Greek legend. Second: it is said that this name from the Latin word iuniores, meaning "younger" is taken against the maiores, meaning "elders" or "" placed. was believed that the root may, months ago from June, of the word maiores taken.

not in the year of the ordinary and not in leap years there are no fish that same day of the week begins when June begins. May and June are the only two fish that have this feature are. June on the same day of the week ends when February ends.

in the northern hemisphere June, the longest days of the year, and in the south hemisphere the shortest days. In terms of seasonal June in the northern hemisphere equal to December in the south hemisphere and vice versa. In the northern hemisphere June 1, the initiator is summer in south hemisphere, the initiator of the winter.

at the beginning of June, the constellation of the bull and in the end it is the constellation of Geminorum. However, due to the precessional motion in the vernal equinox, June, show, nose, Gemini begins with the tower cancer end.

because the name June or joon from the name (juno) (or Hera) is taken and , the God of marriage and married couples. some this more to the horoscope of Nick fall, and it is an important factor in the happiness you know why, in this month the largest number of marriages can be seen.

the legendary Icelandic says that if on 24 June, naked in the dew, the dawn of the ton into the water, saw palmetto, then, Hengameh aging in the beach such a will....
What is APR ?
April, Avril), the fourth month in the calendar of Gregory and timepiece is one of the four fish that 30 days.

if the name April comes to a hint of spring in the northern hemisphere and autumn in the south hemisphere. Of course, the opposite is more for the month of October, in between the two hemispheres, North and South is established. April on the same day of the week, which begins July in the year of the ordinary, and January in Leap Years begins and always May on the same day of the week ends when December ends.

in the past, before the months of January and February, in the year 700 BC, The King casual president Roman added. May is the second month of the year, but it was after the transformation, and when the twelve months of the year, respectively, in the timeline of the place, were the fourth month of the year was, of course, during close to the year 450 BC, during the months of 29 days were considered. Suppose it goes that the name may from the Latin word Aprilis is taken, but in case it certainty does not exist. Etymology the traditional says that the march from the word aperire, meaning "the opening" is taken to refer to the beginning of the spring season where flowers and trees. This means if the means today, the word Spring, ἁνοιξις in the Greek language compare the continues to be meant properly. ἁνοιξις () in Greek means opening. Name some of the months, the Romans to honor the gods they are selected. may also for Venus, the sacred had been....
What is MAR ?
April (French: Mars) the third month in a Gregorian year, in the calendar of Gregory, and sometimes a number . This month, one of Seven fish, which is 31 days.

April in the northern hemisphere in terms of seasonal with the month of September in the south hemisphere is equal to. In the northern hemisphere the beginning of spring, on March 21, is while this day in the south hemisphere, the first day of autumn.

march on the same day of the week, which begins November and February in the year of the ordinary are started and on the day of the week all that June it ends....
What is FEB ?
February (French: Février) the second month in a Gregorian year, in the calendar of Gregory. The shortest month calendar of Gregory, and the only fish that are 28 or 29 days. This month, Leap Year, etc. 29 days. In south hemisphere the month of February in terms of seasonality equal to the month of August in the northern hemisphere.

in the year of Ordinary Time. February on the same day of the week that begins the months of March and November are started, and in leap years the day of its prime, like the first day of the month of August. The last day of February in the year of the ordinary, such as the last day of October and in leap years, like the last day of January....
What is JAN ?
January (Janvier) in the first month of the year was in the calendar of Gregory and timepiece and is one of the seven months of the Gregorian year, which is 31 days. In most parts of the world, the first day of the month called \"New Year\'s day\" is known. January in most parts of the northern hemisphere second the winter months, and is the average of the other months of the year, colder, but in south hemisphere, the second month of summer, and the warmest months in the year. In terms of Season, July in the northern hemisphere against the January in the south hemisphere.

in the years the typical first day of January, the same day of the week, which is October, it begins, but in leap years the first day of January like the first day of April and July....