Today, Friday، 28 Mar 2025 - 19:06

Acronym Finder

What is JAN ?


January (Janvier) in the first month of the year was in the calendar of Gregory and timepiece and is one of the seven months of the Gregorian year, which is 31 days. In most parts of the world, the first day of the month called "New Year's day" is known. January in most parts of the northern hemisphere second the winter months, and is the average of the other months of the year, colder, but in south hemisphere, the second month of summer, and the warmest months in the year. In terms of Season, July in the northern hemisphere against the January in the south hemisphere.

in the years the typical first day of January, the same day of the week, which is October, it begins, but in leap years the first day of January like the first day of April and July.