Today, Wednesday، 5 Feb 2025 - 19:22

Acronym Finder

What is ECC ?
Engineered Cementitious Composite
Composite, cement, engineering, or the same (ECC), to which concrete flexible can also say Composite is the base of cement and is readily with the template, it can be any shape desired. And by the fibers of the random special, usually fibers, polymer, etc., armed. Unlike regular concrete ECC (Composite, cement, engineering) have the capacity 3 to 7 percent. In comparison with ordinary portland cement that 0٫1%. So ECC is more like an iron, ductile behavior makes up a glass, crisp and brittle (like the OPC), that creates many applications for it.
What is ECM ?
Enterprise Content Management
Strategy, knowledge and tools to get the management, management, Store, maintain, and deliver content related to the process of organizational. Tools and strategies for ECM management information, unorganized and not classified in terms of. provides....
What is TBS ?
Tokyo Broadcasting System
Tokyo system, or TBS, one of the station's main TV Tokyo. TBS is one of the members of the network JNN (Japan News Network)....
What is RPN ?
Radio Philippines Network
Network Radio Philippines...
What is HRM ?
Human Resources Management
Human Resource Management, etc. the phrase is from the process of working with people, so that these people and their organization, to the full capacity loss, even when changed, require the acquisition of new skills, etc., accepting new responsibilities and a new form of relationship will be required. In fact, the management of human resources use of human resources towards the goals of the organization and includes activities such as and absorption, education, training, salary, and organizational relationships. Human Resource Management with the sciences because behavior management, psychology Industrial Psychology,), the economy, human resource, statistics, and computer closely associated. Now Human Resource Management is one of The been the most and, of course, paying the most jobs in the world. However, in the country of Iran, humanities, and sciences such as management and Economic after the revolution of 1357 case, Mehri statesmen have been, but still this field is not too old in Iran, the job market is fairly decent, there are to be specialized as one of the trends in state management and business at undergraduate, graduate and Ph. D. students in Iran is available.

human resource management should be for organizations, value creation. This value creation for stakeholders internal and external stakeholders. Stakeholders, internal employees and the organization. while stakeholders, external clients, organization investors and also the community. But specialists in human resources with a focus on three solution can cause the value creation. The first solution focuses on the management of talent is to the level of the individual.The force, committed", and thus part of this through education, finds. The second solution focuses on is an organization that upgrades the organizational culture and organizational development is achieved. The combination of these two solutions, the third that leadership is a Genesis. But these solutions through a focus on human resources management should be implemented and in this context, four categories is important. The first organized unit of human resources. Second, the focus on human resource practices like management of employees, payroll, and training and development. Third, your specialists in human resources, people who have been in this field of work, and the fourth quantitative indicators....
What is CFDA ?
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
Catalog of federal domestic assistance...
What is GMAT ?
Graduate Management Admission Test
Test master, management, or (GMAT), aptitude test, and the readiness of the academic special field of management concept, and part of the acceptance test period, the Graduate School of management at the University of....
What is GMP ?
Guaranteed Maximum Price
A the IS method, the optimal or the optimal production is to increase the quality and ensure the effectiveness of the medicinal products used. Reduce waste and avoid the hazards possible production also benefits the implementation of a's is considered.

principles of a The briefly consists of buildings, facilities, etc. devices and equipment, staffing, etc. quality control and its regulation (GLP), the documentary preparation. preparation methods and recipes, health and grooming, etc. calibrate and adjust devices, evaluation equipment, and working conditions, training, personnel, internal inspection, control, stability, and quality reviews on the market, to handle consumer complaints...