What is HRM ?
Human Resources Management
human resource management should be for organizations, value creation. This value creation for stakeholders internal and external stakeholders. Stakeholders, internal employees and the organization. while stakeholders, external clients, organization investors and also the community. But specialists in human resources with a focus on three solution can cause the value creation. The first solution focuses on the management of talent is to the level of the individual.The force, committed", and thus part of this through education, finds. The second solution focuses on is an organization that upgrades the organizational culture and organizational development is achieved. The combination of these two solutions, the third that leadership is a Genesis. But these solutions through a focus on human resources management should be implemented and in this context, four categories is important. The first organized unit of human resources. Second, the focus on human resource practices like management of employees, payroll, and training and development. Third, your specialists in human resources, people who have been in this field of work, and the fourth quantitative indicators.