What is CC ?
Credit Card
credit card for the first time in 1950 in the United States of America came into existence. Company with a contract between himself and a few restaurants attempting to create service, pay him. so that by providing the card customers could service the restaurant has used in the end of the month to a company named debt your pay.
credit cards by different systems of electronic management, and are processed. It generally include: the card has a memory and a processor Card (Smart Card), the card processing time (online), which is mainly used for Magnetic cards prepared and supplied and contactless cards (RFID). Of course there may be different additional types of identification cards(ID Card) as well as for credit cards be used, but these three types of most used. More in Europe, smart cards, and in the US from magnetic stripe cards for this type of card is used.
the origin of the creation of credit can companies. organs., the banks or financial institutions/credit be, but the management of it, usually by the system of electronic payments run. In many parts of the world, companies like Visa and Mastercard, management of such credits doing that, of course, in a lot of cases the origin of the creation of reputation, etc. themselves are not.