Today, Friday، 28 Mar 2025 - 06:51

Acronym Finder

What is HORECA ?

Hotel Restaurant Cafe

or as a so-called brand in the industry, food services or companies active in this field are used, and stands for three words the hotel; the restaurant and cafe.

the so-called Dutch Uniforme Voorwaarden Horeca or (UVH) to British identical conditions in the hotel industry and the restaurant gets translated. The so-called Nederland ecaorH Koninklijk in the Netherlands; hotels, pub, shops., restaurants and other commercial places, a similar practice takes place.

the so-called Dutch in commercial organizations and in the field of Industry, hotel, restaurant and Cafe used to be. In spite of this, the term in Spain, Portugal, Belgium, etc., Romania, and particularly in the Company International drinks can be used, but such an impression can be that this word first time in the Netherlands is used.

in Iran, for the first time the industry at the disposal of NGOs with a was launched

some of the companies producing tobacco of this word to distinguish the channels of sales such as sales channel, distribution, drinks, and food of channel sales, welfare services, tourism use, and the commercial sector in Europe, very is thriving, if in 2004, more than 7. the 8 people in this section were worked; and in addition, the amount totaled 338 billion sale, were. Temporary, CF. the lack of working hours, regular, low pay, and the future of the enigmatic features of the specified jobs of today. Hence, forces many young in this busy sector to be working.