What is BRA ?
in the beginning, in Europe, more corset trendy. but at the end of the century, the 19th and the beginning of the Century, 20, replace your bra (bra ) (using means to sponsor and , meaning throat) is probably because of this, it is said that with the packing to the neck can be closed. In the olden times, Persian-speakers in Iran, it , said, because the two small pad is under the breast, and because within it the musk they would up the scent of a give suffix.
on the day 12 February 1914 ad., the bra open back in the form of modern-day. by a young New Yorkers to the name of Mary Phelps for registration to the Bureau of patents, the US was presented.
generally, starting from a few sections, composed of. the cup or bowl that, within it, fall., the provisions from which the shoulder has been rejected, and the back waist continue. Band which are usually from the cache and is part cup bra to the back ... two or three that in the back of the waist to arrive, and caused the closure of the bra.
bra, there are different types that depending on the shape, etc. of cloth, and cases of this variety are divided in, for example, some bra, has provisions that are colorless have been, and when the woman of dress, body uses used up for it. Also some bra section Cup has sponge are that this bra by women who want effects not used; that to this bra, sponge or cloudy is said. Also, some of The from the thin fabric like a tour and a variety of colors and attractive are made in that category fantasy rather than fall. Another type of this, that two piece is from, sex, color, corset, panties with the same color and sex, that is, to set, said to be very attractive.
considering that some of the gowns, designed in such a way that chuck the chest is fully revealed. therefore, adhesive that's made from the top part of the nipple to the chest can stick together and no longer need to close the bra. Of course, the use of this glue for a long time, for ladies create, toil and pain can and does use it should be for a limited time. Also, some are sprung which makes, the better mode is to this type of , etc. bouncy said to be.