Today, Friday، 28 Mar 2025 - 06:46

Acronym Finder

What is CPO ?

Chief Procurement Officer

Senior manager, logistics executives, Chief Executive Officer of a company is accounted for. that the responsibility of providing and purchased equipment, goods and services, the company and steer the buying team is responsible for.

logistics management is one of the main activities and the headquarters of any company or organization can be expected that at the helm of the IT placed, etc., often with all segments of the company in the relationship is that, in practice, Communication Co., Ltd. with suppliers out of the company establishes and makes. Briefly, the main objective of any director, logistics, etc. timely procurement of goods, equipment and services for various sectors and cater for the need of them in order to achieve organizational goals.

the process of working, manager, senior logistics steering team, your downline, to make contact with different parts Co., Ltd. to the knowledge of their needs to the goods, services and equipment., then search with the broad market and identify the suppliers available, the best of them in terms of price and quality of products. In some organizations and big companies to choose the supplier of the tender or the auction will be held, and the responsibility of implementing all matters, the responsibility of the Senior Manager Procurement.